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What would you have said in this situation?

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This one store was doing interviews on the spot. So I filled out an application and after that I had an interview. The manager asked me about my skills, experience and education. After telling him my skills and experience he asked me how old I was, and I told him I'm 31. He asked me if I was married and have kids, I told him no I don't. His response to me was "Your 31 and your not married and don't have kids, what are you waiting for gay married law to be passed here". I was not sure if he was joking or not but he should of not said that. I hate people who ask stupid questions like that.

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it's a well known fact that people who have a family, a house, a mortgage are going to be more desirable for employment, simply because they HAVE to work. They HAVE to pay the bills. They have commitments.


you're 31 and single, there's every chance you could decide it's not right for you in a few months and move on to the next thing.


I thought everyone knew this?

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Report it to whom? Then there's the question of proof. Since your making the accusation the burden of proof is on you.

Look, the guy obviously has issues, just brush it off with the knowledge that the guy was an as*hole and move on.

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