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Grown man relapsing after years

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I know this sob story has been told a million times on this board...


Found out recently my ex from three years ago is engaged. Ive been in several relationships through these last three years yet when I found out this news, I couldn't help get that odd hollow feeling in my chest. I'm over her. Have been for the last 2.5 years. Old photos of us don't bother me. I've run into her in person and it didn't bother me at all. I just feel so pathetic and disturbed that this is getting to me. I'm a grown man, I shouldn't feel this away about this news.


I just need to rant to the anonymity of the internet. Maybe I just want someone to tell me that I'm not some feeble, emotional wreck of a human being...



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I think many of us would be disturbed to hear this news. It's not that we're not over them, it's that any news, especially news of such 'finality' brings back old nostalgic feelings. It's short term nostalgia, you'll soon get past it.

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what you're feeling is totally natural. you may be a grown man, but you're a you're a man w/ a heart who once had love for this woman, so of course the news would affect you. the crappy feeling will subside, you were fine before you found out and you're gonna be fine again. you'll be okay

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I think it's nostalgia more than anything.


It may bring you back to a time when you thought she might be the one you married. Seeing her engaged to someone else kills the past vision once and for all.


Even if you are over her and don't want her- the person...the prospect of a future with her is something you did once feel. There is emotion tied to it.


It is only human that you'd feel a little conflicted that her future will be with someone else. (Even if you are over her- the vision officially died with her engagment to someone else so there will be grieving)

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