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am I a cold person?

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I consider myself average when it comes to feeling compassion for people, but maybe I'm not. I've been dating this guy for 2-3 months and his sister just went to the hospital. I think she might need surgery, too (not life-threatening). He's obviously worried, and I feel bad that this is happening, but I'm not really affected by it. I feel like I should be and I don't know if I'm not because I don't know his sister at all, or him that well, or if I'm a naturally less compassionate person. Also, I never know what to say in this and other situations where people are dealing with bad news. I find no meaning in phrases like "everything will be fine" because that's not for me to say, but I don't know what I can say, that is sincere, to make someone feel better. It just bothers me that he is upset and I can't relate.

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Sometimes it's just best to stay out of it all. You don't know his sister that much and you can't force yourself to show feelings of affection when they are just not there. If you want to show compassion, show it to your SO. Tell him that you are there for him if anything is ever bothering him and give him a hug. I'm sure you've known someone or maybe even someone in your family has been in the hospital before? This kind of thing affects people differently. Don't put too much time in anazlying about what to say. Just be there for your SO if he ever needs someone to listen. You can show him in those ways.

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It just bothers me that he is upset and I can't relate.


Obviously you aren't a cold person or else it wouldn't bother you! You haven't been with him that long & you don't know her at all. It's hard to be worried about someone you've never even met. I don't think there's anything wrong with you; don't worry about it.

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I told him to call me if he wanted to talk (we don't see each other during the week). I guess the best way for me to be supportive is to listen. I'm not the type of person to throw out "don't worry" and "it'll be fine" when I don't know. It makes me feel a little awkward, but it's good to know my lack of a substantial reaction is a normal reaction.

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Surgical pleurodesis is performed via thoracotomy or thoracoscopy. This involves mechanically irritating the parietal pleura, often with a rough pad. Moreover surgical removal of parietal pleura is an effective way of achieving stable pleurodesis


Doesn't sound like a bad surgery. It really depends on what exactly the doctor is doing.

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