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Don't know what to do anymore?... Advice please anyone

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Hi guys,


I don't really know where to put this post so im sticking it here. For the past week after an inccident involving a girl has left me depressed, feeling empty and lonely. It seems during the day im fine if i can keep myself occupied with something but as soon as the eveining sets in i seem to fall into depression and all i can think about is her. She's been playing mind games with me which isn't helping im trying to stay on top of her games but she changes so often it leaving me with a headache. It's affecting my college work because i can't do anything because i feel that there's this emotional block there. I love her more than she knows, but she just denying it and playing games with me. At the moment my assignments are going to be a week late, i've had to ask for an extension due to personal problems (that's what i told them). I also seem to be feeling physically drained by the eveining and i seem to be falling asleep. I have had my blood tested in case there's a reason for this and i seem to be healthy. When im with her the emotions that are going through me and im happy when im with her (or at least i think) and when im not i turn into this other person who's weak, lonely empty and has no-one to love. I haven't had a gf in ages and im really begging to get desperate i this probably isn't helping the situation. Im becoming a nervous wreak and even some of my friends at college are beginning to notice a change in me e.g. becoming more depressed and wanting to be alone. This isn't me and sometimes and i make myself depressed as a means of a way of getting away from everyone but i come back to reality and i realise there no change even in my dreams it's the same .


I'm really at the end, i don't know what to do. My best friend thinks im going to do something stupid, which im not i have some sense in me not to do harm to myself. But i just don't know what to do or where im supposed to go from here, seems like my life is at a stand still and is falling apart at the same time.


Can anyone offer any advice, it would be greatly appricated.


Thank you,


- whitefang

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I know how it feels to miss someone and be depressed over them. A friend once told me that:


"don't let relationships be the center of your life" and "you have bigger things to worry about like "friends/family/school" I agree this is true. Not that the significant other isn't important but he did remind me that


"relationships don't last forever" so in the end you're left with friends/famiy/school to worry about.


The only way to cure this is to put less into "love" and more into life. Make sure you appreciate friends/family/school as much as you can.

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Hi mellowchild,


Im happy with my family, friends (some) and my college it's just the way that im feeling right now that's getting me down. I feel lonely, empty and as if no-one loves me, sure i have friends and family but it's not the same as having a partner/gf by your side. It just feels like i have everything i want but im missing my soulmate/partner, i've felt like this for ages it seems to be the only part of my life that needs to be filled. I found the girl that i want to be with, i can't explain the way she makes me feel but her playing games ins't helping it's just adding to my depression. I don't really have that many friends, i know some that i can say "hi" but no-one who i can really talk to and anyway they've all got a gf/partner and i feel so left out when im with them (i actually hate it). I just wish that i could have things work out for me for once, but it doesn't come no matter how much i want .


- whitefang

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I'm sorry to hear you are so upset.


What exactly has she been doing that makes you depressed? This might help us offer some advice to help you get through this?


I know its hard not to have this on your mind all the time (I'm going through something similar and you're right it is difficult) and its bound to have some effect on your college work and life, but do try and find things to take your mind off her. Try not to hide away from your friends as spending time with them may help you.


Good luck.

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