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i think i'm pregnant.......

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ok i just started the pill like 3 weeks ago and then i became sick so my mom was having me take some pills that are very powerful, i've prolly taken about 4 of them. Then last night she just "rememberd" that 'oh when you're on the pill and you take some med. then your pill isn't affective'.....so now im freaking out because my boyfriend and me have been having sex and we having used protection a few times and hes cam inside of me.

so what i want to know is if that is true about the pill not working if somebody takes med.?

and how worried should i be?

do i have a GREAT chance of being pregnant?

when is the best time to take a test?

do you need to take it like in the morning or can you take it at anytime?

and since i dont know if i'm pregnant or not should i stop my pill?

and will the pill affect the outcome of what the test says?


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Geez, thats a lot of questions!


I dont have answers to all of those questions but your doctor will.

If you take a trip down to your doctors surgery or the hospital and you can get lots of information, just pick up some leaflets about pregnancy and motherhood.

If you have any more questions you could make an appointment with the doctor to talk about it. I would suggest buying the pregnancy test and reding the instructions, it will probably give you all the information you need about when to use it (i.e. what time of day).

Alternatively, do some research on the internet, type your question into a search engine and you are sure to get some results.


I hope you find the answers you need

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Okay... The first problem that I see here is that you have only been using the pill for three weeks... During your first month of using the pill, you are supposed to still use protection, until the hormones actually become effective in your body...

Second, the answer is yes... Some medication can inhibit the effectiveness of the pill, like for an example antibiotics...

You can take the PILL anytime of the day... BUT it has to be taken at the same time everyday, for it to 99% effective..

Just chill about the part of being pregnant, for now the chances in reality are probably 50/50... You might want to read the information, that comes along in your prescription, or go on the website of your birth control company...

Dont stop taking the pill, at this moment... Wait until find out that you are pregnant or not, from a test, if you are then stop taking the pill immediately...

Next, for the pregnancy test, your going to want to take an early response test, like ept or first response... I'm pretty sure that you can take these a week prior to you expected period, BUT it works best at the time you are expecting your period. It also works best if you take them in morning...

Finally, the pill will not effect the outcome of the test, reseason why is that when you become pregnant your body realeases a hormone called HGC... Which is different from the hormone that you are taking from the pill...

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Hey girl..


Here are some of the answers to your question....But first ..breathe...kay...if its comforting at all, you're not the only one in this situation.


It is in fact true that taking other medications along with the pill will make it extremely less effective. You should be cautious about this. I know you're worried but if you have been using condoms along with taking the pill you should be fine.


When you first start the pill your very first time, it takes 2 months for your body to get use to the hormones and be effective. So during the first 2 months, you should also be using condoms.


I can't tell you exactly your chances of being pregnant because i'm not sure when u had sex with or w/o condoms..


The best tiem to take a pregnancy test is the day of your missed period. The morning is the best time to take it because your urine is most concentrated.


You should CONTINUE on the pill if you still plan on being sexually active.

The pill will not affect hte outcome of hte test.


i hope this helps at all!

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I'm pregnant, by a fluke accident. i was on the pill for about 5 months. now, me and my fiance to be don't know what to do with my pregnancy. we will keep the child, but it's tough b/c i was not prepared for this to happen. so be careful, just b/c u're on the pill, it does not mean that you are 100% protected.


wait at least 1 month b4 u take the test. i did. the results are more accurate after 1 month. now i'm 3 months into my pregnancy. wish me luck!

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