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Day 8


Woke up Monday morning dreading going to work. Was really tough to get going once I got in, it is always toughest in the mornings. Had to do a good job hiding it from others. Looking forward to working out after I get out of here to be around some people. Then go home and check my eharmony account to see if I can get my mind one some new female companionship. Have a couple people interested in exchanging emails. Not going to get too deep with it yet but it helps to know you are still attractive to others.


Was wondering if I should unblock my ex's phone number from my phone. Don't know If I could take the news with if I saw she called or not. So confused and sad.

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I guess day one is actually today seeing as yesterday was he day I replied to his email....I really have to concentrate on all the work I have due for this week. Just got back from the day job and relaxing with a cup of white tea I got on he way back from whittards these little pleasures in life definitely help.

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I just realised Skype is counting the days I haven't talked to her, since I deleted her it comes up on my Skype page showing the number of days since she made a status update. So today is day 15, I wasn't counting before! I am more than accepting that we will never be intimate again, with a possibility we may never even talk. I was at the markets the other day and saw a wristband she would have really liked, so I bought it. I doubt I will ever give it to her. I don't know why I bought it.


I see what happened between us as more ridiculous each day. Her being incredibly insecure from the beginning of the relationship. Her jealousy, possessiveness. Her doubts about my sincerity. I gave her space. I didn't get jealous and possessive. I gave her nothing to be insecure about - she gave me plenty I could have been insecure about. She was scared/worried about me treating her in the same way that she treated me.


I miss the good days. But in no way do I miss her ridiculous expectations and overbearing personality.

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Day 1 AGAIN..................I admit that I am doing this to get him back, but aftr being treated so poorly I wonder do i reaaaally want him....Please help me to keep to no contact people...4 months and I have not been able to do it at all so far. But I need to.

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Day 1 AGAIN..................I admit that I am doing this to get him back, but aftr being treated so poorly I wonder do i reaaaally want him....Please help me to keep to no contact people...4 months and I have not been able to do it at all so far. But I need to.


If I can do it then you can do it. What helped me was sending the email that said goodbye. I mean goodbye is sort of final, but it sure has made me stick to it so I don't look like a weak fool. not that you're a weak fool, of course not. Just guys want what they cannot have. You can't really get back together until enough time has passed for each party to heal from the broken relationship. And you 're right, you may not want him back. Mine treated me like gold some days and like crap others. All I want is to be happy and forget.

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day 8 - moving along nicely

getting attention from some cute guys but i have no desire to date anyone. why bother it all ends sour anyways

the attention from these hot guys definitely boost my confidence though. but i dont want any of them because....i am still in love with my ex

i know with time i will heal and get back on my feet. in the meantime it will just be me myself and i

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Day 5.

I'm losing any hope of getting back together. It will help me move on but it just makes me feel sad. Christmas is almost here and it scares me that we won't be together by then.


Hugs. I wish you the best.


I lucked out with Christmas because my ex is Jewish. I get one Holiday where it's not plagued with memories. I'm excited that it's not tainted.

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Day 6 (Last Saturday): Success. I was in Portland all day, hanging with an old friend. We talked about her the night before, but today I didn't even mention her, or the breakup. All day without even bringing her up. Well, there was one time when we were in a checkout lane at a store, and a cashier asked if we were together. My friend said "Yeah." Later, I mentioned in hindsight I should have said "No, we're not together, he's married and I just got dumped." Har har har. Get it? Together? Anyway.


No song for today.

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Day 7 (Yesterday): Success, until my friend dropped me off at the bus station. I sent her a Facebook message, thanking her for giving me space. She said it wasn't easy, but she was glad I got what I needed. We caught up on the past week and a half, the longest we've been out of touch since we met over a year ago. I think we chatted too long. I was expecting maybe 30 minutes, but it lasted hours.


Today, whereas all last week there sat two recently broken-up, sad and quiet nerdy kids, separated by naught but a cubicle wall and fifteen feet of air, there were now giggling snickering friends, quietly choking back laughter at shared jokes transmitted via IM, that nobody else would ever know. Wounds still exist, it is still too soon for total acceptance, but for now, friendship is saved.


Your results may vary.

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I'm like an addict jonesing for a hit. I don't know how he does it! The longer we go NC the more pitiful I feel. How can I be THIS forgettable? I refuse to break though and it's making me sick to my stomach.


It really is like an addiction! At a certain point, whether to contact the person or not become like deciding whether to take a hit or puff or something similar. Hang in there and give it time. You couldn't possibly be expected to get over an addiction so fast and so easily... how can you expect to let go of this so fast??

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So, I wrote last week about how I ave up NC when he sent me a friend request and message on Facebook. I accepted the request and deleted the message. Since that day, he has been totally inactive on Facebook. Is that why he friended me?? Because he was going to get off Facebook anyway?? I hate having to wonder all the time. When we weren't Facebook friends, I wondered all the time what he was up to. No we ARE friends, and I'm still wondering. I hate it.

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Day 1.


Interesting dumping... I kind of knew it was coming so was prepared. She didn't want to pursue anything beyond friendship, but that point has past for me. Wish I wasn't back here, but guess I'll be frequenting this place again I did handle myself very well, and no doubt kept my self respect. Stay strong people, it will be a bumpy ride.

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End of day at work, I overheard a coworker invite her to a club thing that he DJs at! He's married, they've been clubbing together for years, it wasn't a romantic invite, but it SUCKED seeing her on Facebook and OK Cupid at the same time, then...just logging off. First on Facebook, then lingering on OK Cupid. I just know she was looking for a date for the club. I KNOW IT. How dare she, even though I went out on a friendly-date three days after she dumped me. GRRR. Maybe she was Internet-stalking me as I was Internet-stalking her. THAT MUST BE IT! No. She's a tawdry flirty * * * * * who dumped me because I wasn't good enough and now she's on the rebound prowl. I look forward to being less than friendly to her tomorrow at work. The problem is, she would know why, because our biggest problem at breakup was clubbing, her going without me constantly, me having issues from previous relationship and BLARGHLARGHLARG. Never had the chance to go clubbing with her. Ever. Once, and it was uncomfortable for her because it was a new place. Ugh. Not going into details. Just raging. And here I was thinking there was the slightest hope of reconcilliation. Not tossing out the friendship. Just feeling quite cold toward her. Grrrrrr. * * * * * .

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NC Day 4, doing NC for life unless she contacts me..... sucks because I loved the girl to death and thought the relationship was perfect. I might very likely never know the true cause of the breakup and the week preceeding it and 6 weeks following it but hopefully time will push it all out of my head.


Sidenote....can it take a good while for the "no one will match with me as well as my ex" syndrome to go away?

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Day 3


Woke up this morning with a sigh of relief. It seems as though today I had no worries. I went to work on time, stay a little bit later than I was scheduled but over all felt fine. Drove in my car had the radio on and was in a great mood. There wasn't anything that could have bothered me. That is until I got home..... The silences of the house made me think about you automatically. Coming home to the dogs and without you around....felt painful. It's always hurts the most at night, laying in bed. It's just too quiet! My mind goes off on its own and I can't stop myself from thinking about you.

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DAY 41


Well...I messed around and saw her social profile (contact broken) ...wasn't even trying to look for her but the search bar decided to pop her name up. Didn't click on it but just saw her new profile pic smiling happily with the guy she left me for. 30 days is definitely not enough to get over 4 years and then a mess of a breakup. I got angry, then I got sad and my left eye tried really really really hard to shed a tear but nothing.


BUT...after like 10-15 minutes I was okay, no intense anger or sadness, its still there but I'm doing better. Just thought I'd write to say that it actually does get better with time. I'm sure she's waaay over it by now. It sucks that I still have feelings for her and I doubt she'll ever contact me ever again but I'm slowly learning to accept it. Plus it kinda helps that my dad told me it doesn't matter if it's 2, 5, 8 or 10 years from now, if I ever get back with her he'll never come to the wedding if there is one. Only because I'm his son and he doesn't want to see me get hurt again. It's good to know that there are people that will always love you no matter what. Hold onto those people because everyone else will come and go.

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Day two = I find myself now using my ex as a procrastination tool...not helpful to myself at all. Had a really tiring day at work today but on the upside I did buy my first christmas present!!! It did make me wonder for a split second how nice it would be to buy a present for him because I know exactly what i would get him but I guess I can't allow myself to think that I find myself wondering if he will say happy christmas, can I please just STOP THINKING!!!

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