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is there any light at the end of it all?

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i was with my boyfriend for two and a half years, and it's been two months since we've split. i'm going out of my mind, it's not getting any better. i feel so empty, and i know i'm neglecting my life, how can i move on like he is? he is all i can think about...


i know there's the No Contact rule, but i saw him yesterday evening, and he could barely look me in the eye. i just want to tell him how much i love him, but know that it's unreturned and would hurt me a thousand times over again. i realised how much he changed, but what hurts the most is that he made this decision and didn't even talk to me about it. he ended it through text messages and phone calls.


i don't want to bore friends and family with my problems all the time. i can't even begin to think about meeting anyone else, he is all that i want. does it get any better? i don't know what to do, i'm so confused....

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No one can say anything to make you feel better unfortuantely.


All I can tell you is that I sympathize and know what you feel. It is like someone is standing on your chest and all you can do is think about what could of been, what should of been, and what you would do over if given the chance. This is normal and part of the healing process. Everyone takes a different amount of time to go through each of the stages. Its something you must do. No one can do it for you or take care of the pain.


I would like you to know this. You are special, there is another out there for you that will return the love you are looking for. But first you must get over this guy. You must heal your hurt to be able to meet someone new. Easier said then done, but you will get through this.


Keep busy. Talk to your friends. They will be there for you!!


Good luck! I am praying for you.

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Well shiny, you know and understand how that boy for whom you are suffering all the pain and hurt and wasting these precious days of your life which you are NEVER going to get again, have moved on and don't care a damn for you. He can't even see you in the eye, he has no courage or character to face you and discuss things, he uses text messages and phone calls instead of meeting you in person to end two and a half years of relationship. He is so impudent not to care for you and take a single sided decision when it affects you so badly. You better be wise and move on with your life then to waste is over such a boy.

You ask does it get any better? I will say, yeah its so much better that he is out of your life, do you think it would have been any good, if he acted in a similar way later when you might have been more involved and with much more at stake. Also don't see this as any loss, but as new opportunity to learn and become wise and to choose a better boy to make friends with next time...Its all easy said than done, I know that, but tell me whats easy in life?, except wasting your life and mouring over the dead past relationship. Its not worth to waste these invaluable time of your life over such a boy. You ask, how can you move on like him? You will move on when you will accept the fact that its all over and don't stand there at the closed door, hoping it to open again, which is not going to happen. And also all this time you are not noticing the other doors which have opened for you. Also reading your message, I can see that you understand all this very well and are in your better senses, now you just need a little strength and impetus to move on...and thats all at your own calling...

So at last only things I want to tell you is Free yourself from the past, accept the facts, gather your strengt to move on and live in present and you will see that there is a new and better world inviting you...

Best of Luck ...

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