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Love and Care.


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Love is defined in several ways. I love my wife. I love my friend.. I love my dog. Same word..different meanings. Care.... If you love something you must care for it..you must maintain it to keep it healthy.

Care is not your love because while they co exist and are great feelings they are dissimilar in intensity. Love covers both it needs care as a component

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I care about a lot of people in my life. Some I love to a certain extent. But when someone I get to know comes into my life and I grow some sort of bond with them (even if it's just a night of getting to know them) I grow to care for them, not love. If they fell, I would care enough to help them and be worried if they are okay (example). But that has nothing to do with love.

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If you care for something you love it. It's just to a lesser degree than the love you might feel for something or someone else in comparison. As far as that goes love and hate are really two sides of the same coin. You can't have one without the other.

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