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Would you be dissapointed if...


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...the person you met offline was shorter than you expected? I have a date with this girl tomorrow night, she is 5'10, I am listed as 5'11, because with shoes...I am close to 5'11, barefoot however I am 5'9. She's pretty tall at 5'10 for a girl....I obviously did not exagerrate by alot of inches...but did list my height with shoes on....do you guys think its a big deal, or not that much since I technically didn't exagerrate my height?

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Lets hope she doesn't wear high heels - if she does - hopefully she likes men shorter then her lol.


I dont think the 1 inch is a big difference & not going to be noticeable. But to answer your question yes I would be disappointed if someone lied about their height but I definitely wouldnt notice if it was 1 or 2 inch difference.

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I'm going to go against the grain here and say that YES, she will very likely notice that you are shorter than you mentioned in your profile. But don't worry about it - taller women come accross this allll the time and so as long as you seem comfortable with HER height (compliment her on long legs or that she looks GREAT), then everything will be ok.


She is probably more worried about you caring how tall she is, than the other way round (you being shorter than her). That inch won't ruin the deal, so it depends on how you act.


Show her a good time and tell her you love a taller woman... guaranteed smile : )

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I would be annoyed too


It's kind of like me saying I'm a C cup , when I'm only an A..(it's only a couple of cup sizes , right??)


I say this because I went on an online date with a guy who told me who was 5'7, but when we met he was clearly about 5'3 MAX.


It annoyed me that he lied, not the fact that he was only 5'3. I'm short too, so I couldn't care less if he was 5'3.

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I am 5'11' and I make it a point to make sure I date guys that are taller than me. Otherwise it's just.. I don't know. I mean, sure, with the right guy it might not matter, but it just looks really awkward to me.


If she doesn't wear heels, then you're fine. But if she does, and she probably will, then... I don't know. Good luck.

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