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Do You Remember the First Time You Saw Them - SuperDave71


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Nice post SuperDave! I always enjoy reading what you have to say. I remember stepping off the train and seeing her for the first time. My heart was pounding out of my chest, but I knew that I had to stay calm. I looked at her quick in the eye, gave her a hug, and kissed her on the cheek. Then, we walked away together. We went to the beach that day, after a late dinner, and had out first REAL kiss. I remember only having enough money for our dinners and my train ticket home. I didn't care because it was one of the best days of my life. We were together for almost 5 years, 4 of which we were engaged. I still have pictures from that day. I also have the train tickets that got me to that place and time. I'll keep them for the rest of my life. It's been a year now since we've been apart. Only if she knew how much she means to me.

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SuperDave, this is some of the best stuff I've read yet! This should be required daily reading for dumpees... haha.. No, really, this was very heartfelt and brought tears to my eyes; probably due to the fact that it hit so close to home. You truly are the voice of reason.

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It was 4 years ago, in Japan. I was at a restaurant. I was in the lobby, having a smoke ( when I used to smoke ). He walked in with the most beautiful girl, hooking onto his arm. I was watching them bc I was shocked at what a beautiful couple they are. I must've been staring at them so hard bc he suddenly looked up with the most brilliant sapphire blue eyes. Instead of ignoring me, he said " Hello " and started talking to me. In my nervousness, I started babbling and then had to excuse myself. I walked back into the restaurant and told my friends, " Guys, I think I must have just met the MOST handsome man in my life ". Ten days later, I was at a board meeting with the Japanese government that hired me. And guess who walks into the board room as well ? The handsome stranger with the blue eyes. We both stopped in our tracks, looked at each other, smiled and said, " I know you ". We started dating 3 days after. In a week, he has cleared out his cabinets so that I can put my clothes and stuff in his apt whenever I wanted to stay over. We lasted for 4 years. It was a passionate relationship filled with adventure, excitement, world travels, turmoil and challenges. It ended 4 days ago ( ironically, around the same time that we had met that November, around 4 years ago ).


I am in complete, absolute NC mode. I love him too much to keep in contact with him if that makes sense.

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  • 1 year later...

I was leaving a restaurant w/ a male friend (not date), who knew him ---- and introduced us. My first thought was "I could date this guy"....before being able to figure out a game plan over the next few weeks, found out he had just gotten into a relationship...that lasted 4 yrs.


During this time, we ran into each other around town, I had he/gf over to dinner....went from acquaintences to friends. FF 2 more years ---see him. Found out he broke up....FF 1 more year. He asked me out....that was 2009. Still together.

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  • 1 month later...

About 3 years ago, in my college apartment. My roomie brought her over to "hang out." I had no interest. She apparently fell in love at first sight and pursued me for months after that. We started doing stuff, though weren't technically bf/gf. Fell in love with everything about the girl. She was always there for me. Always. Anyways, about a year and a half ago we moved in together and started officially dating. Now she broke up with me because "she worked too hard for me." Ugh.

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