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DIVA CUP question

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I just bought a Diva Cup and the lady at the store told me "size A, under 40 years old", "size B, over 40 years old and / or having had children"...


I have no kids.. I am 36. I bought the size A, it totally leaked! (I've tried it one day on my last period.)


then on the package , I see it said, not 40, but 30 years old for the size differences (size a under 30, size B over 30). (so I should have bought the size B).


do you think Kegel exercises mught help? anyone use the "wrong size" without a problem? I just spent 50$ on the darn thing! Plus it's really hard to put in, it hurts to insert and it's hard to get in place, I need lube and I never know if it' sput in right (I did try to insert it a few times, but only kept it in once). Any tips?

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I'm thinking this is one of the times where you need to accept the loss and get a bigger size if you are still interested in all the inconveniences you stated above. Apparently my bf's ex used it and loved it but I never personally tried it. Haven't had my periods in ages.

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did you put it in correctly? my friend didn't and that happened...


I treied but it hurt... I tried to spin it one full time around but it's hard man! How can I know if it is put in correctly??! and then I kept reaidn it has to be positionned toword the tail bone which I do not comprenhend. I mena, I' 36, have used plenty of tampons and condoms correctly, I am pretty self0sufficient, how to put this on correctly I do not know!!!

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Wow, I have no idea what you guys are talking about. I mean, I sort of know, but what exactly is the purpose of this cup thing?


I would possibly call the store & tell them the lady told you the wrong thing, so it didn't work & in effect you wasted $50 because she gave you the wrong information. Maybe they would cut their losses & trade you for the right size. Worth a shot, if you have the nerve to talk about something like this to a stranger!

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I would buy the bigger size. Different vaginas come in different sizes, and you shouldn't have to do a bunch of kegels to try to get it to fit right.


If the size B works, then the 50$ will be a good investment.


Why have you decided to stop using tampons? The Diva Cup is sounding really complicated!

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I would buy the bigger size. Different vaginas come in different sizes, and you shouldn't have to do a bunch of kegels to try to get it to fit right.


If the size B works, then the 50$ will be a good investment.


Why have you decided to stop using tampons? The Diva Cup is sounding really complicated!


well they make me itch a bit (I'm really sensitive to stuff also very allergic to spermicide), and just trying to be more ecological and basically a friend uses it and talked me into it. i sort of regret it now... I don't like the fact that tampons are bleached also, but I could have bought natural / organic tampons. oh well, I'll try it again, otherwise it's 50$ down the drain.


PuppleDucky thanks for being willin gto go out of your way to check with friends!!

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Kegels might help, but from what I have read the cups are based on cervical size not vaginal size. Many women are smaller vaginally after giving birth due to tear repairs. See the end of my post for a link that may be able to give you some more help. Anyhow-


I put mine in when I am in the shower, so the moisture helps. It is really hard to "spin" it. The way I can tell if mine is in correctly is if I pull down and there is suction. It should be somewhat difficult to pull out. I can't ever get mine to do a full spin, but even a half spin gets me sealed most of the time. Make sure you are checking the seal while standing / leg up on the toilet / whatever and NOT sitting on the toilet. Once you stand up it is a whole other ballgame.


What were you doing when it leaked? The last two months mine leaked while I was at work which really annoyed the hell out of me because it RARELY happened in the years before. Then I realized that on both of those days I was doing a lot of bending over while I was vacuuming the lab (only our hose attachment works). Since I've stopped vacuuming (or bending over doubled), I haven't leaked.


A couple other tips. If the stem is poking you, you can trim it. I never use my stem to pull mine out, but you can leave just enough to yank if you feel you need it. If you are experiencing a lot of spillage when removing it, you need to make sure you are breaking the seal first instead of pulling it until the seal breaks. Just grab the cup and instead of pulling, try and squish it together (kind of like how you have to fold it when you insert it). That should break the seal a lot more gracefully and make things a lot cleaner. I rarely get blood on my hands.


There's a great community over at link removed . I'm sure they can help you troubleshoot your cup way better than I can. They are super friendly! You just need to create a livejournal account, it's free and easy.

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WOW thanks for all the amazing help! yes I find it hard to spin it's true. I'll try all the advice mentionned. last night I wore it to sleep and no leakage at all. and no spillage when i removed it, and it was half full in the morning by the way. so I'll keep trying.


I forgot to mention, one other reason why I don't like to wear tampons is I get an urge to pee with one in. It seems it puts pressure on the urethra. I'm happy to say that the diva cup hasn't given me that same feeling. it's funny though, since it's much larger than a tampon... and by the way, how is it sized according to cervix size? it doesn't rest up by the cerviz... i'm confused...



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I'll be honest, I have no idea. Though, usually, your cervix is much lower than you expect.


I hope the cup continues to work for you, because I hear you on the tampon discomfort thing. It is a little bit of trial and error when you first get started, but when the kinks are all worked out it is so worth it.

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