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I've been caught up in this for a while now (thank goodness I'm not looking for anyone to date right now), but it seems that I am getting into many situations where girls will flirt with me who are already in relationships. I can tell they treat me differently than others because I'll watch them interact with other males.


I'm okay with a little friendly meaningless flirting, but I don't understand why you would waste your time like that on only specific people if you have no intentions. My friend says I should take that as a compliment as it shows that I am attractive. I guess I want to know what other people think about stuff like this.

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flirting is fun and can pump our egos a bit. usually, it's girls that need that boost.


I agree. Lots of guys who are in relationships do this, too. Think about it; if you're in a relationship with cycles where you're not feeling as loved or as appreciated as other times, some harmless flirting can lift your spirits.


As for your friend, I'll bet he has a point. Why would anyone flirt for an ego boost with someone they don't find attractive?


Enjoy the practice; it will keep you natural when it counts.

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