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My girlfriend and I are both 17. Before we both started going out, she asked if I was a virgin and I said no. I lied, because I thought it would be embarrassing if I said I was. She's also a virgin. Now her and I plan to have sex and I was wondering if theres any way she'd be able to tell that I am a virgin? I would've told her the truth, but she'll get pissed off if I just admit it to her. I was just wondering if there's a way she'd be able to tell that I am a virgin??

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Tell her the truth. There is no reason to lie about something like that. You should be proud to be a virgin, not many people are these days. Like Musicguy asked...why would she be mad if you admitted you are a virgin...she is also, so if she would get mad at you for being one than shes a hypocrit.

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i think he means, that she'll get mad now, because siefer told her he was no virgin no more, and then out of the blue, after a period of time admitting that he lied. might be a little awkward.


you shouldn't have lied to her though. put all your courage together, and tell her the truth, it's best.

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Hello =)



Well, you've lied to her..you can't change that. But you can tell her the truth. I can't say exactly how she'll react towards that, but she will be happy to know you have been honest with her. Remember, honesty is the number 1 key to a healthy relationship.


Best of luck,


Lilu :silly:

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You've been keeping the truth from her for too long, it's time to spill the beans! If she's going to lose her virginity to you, the LEAST she deserves is the truth! Smarten up boy! Nobody likes a liar!


There is no way to tell whether or not a guy is a virgin, but don't let that keep you from being honest! So what if she's mad, she has a right to be!

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if im honest id pretty much open up and tell her that your a virgin, tell her that you thought that she wouldnt have been impressed and you were ashamed (which there is nothing to be ashamed about) but tell her and explain how you felt. im guessing she'll appreciate it more to loose it to someone she loves and someone who feels the same for her in the same predicoment.


i think in all honesty she could have an incling that you are a virgin (but then again shes never had sex before so how would she know)


i think its not as simple as your going to make it out to be, with all the penetration and the whole aspect and nervous etc. i think she could have a prety good guess.


just dont lie.


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hello. i would just try to be brave and admit to her you lied, and tell her why. (a good reason always helps with girls) i've been with one guy sexually, and i was a virgin and he wasn't. if he had been a virgin, i still would have liked him just as much. don't ever let being a virgin bother you.


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