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I have a terrible terrible break up story. My relationship with my boyfriend was long distance, although I am a consultant so I was able to spend at least 2 weeks a month with him. My ex fed me lines for months: You are the best thing that has ever happened to me, would you trust me to buy you an engagement ring, I want to have children, will you move in with me, bla bla bla. I was offered a great job near my home that would make our relationship quite difficult to continue. We decided as a couple that I would decline the job and look for a different one near his home as he had children from a previous marriage. When I declined the job, the company responded that they would create a new job for me near his home. One week later, they called and said that much work had been done and strings pulled, but the job near his home was mine if I wanted it. The next day, my boyfriend broke up with me. He said that in the preceeding 48 hours, his feelings began to change for me and he did not feel comfortable with me moving accross the country for him. So essentially, I got my heart broken in half as well as my career messed up.


Following our breakup, I began doing some research into his personal accounts (I know, some people feel strongly against this, but everyone does it). I found that he had been cheating on me for months, had even gone out on the day that he broke up with me and bought sex toys! I uncovered an enormous amount of lies.


So my question is: What would you do with this information? Anything? I would never do anything vengeful like spread his credit card account or anything like that, but I'd like to figure out some clever way to let him know that I know everything. Any ideas? Thoughts?

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That's terrible!!! What a horrible person to do that to you. I am so sorry that he put you through this. I am feeling vengful for you!


As for ideas....I don't really have any. Except that I think that you should totally let him know that you know. Wouldn't it be wonderful if you could embarrass him in front of all his friends and family? Exposing him for his true self to the people he cares about the most?


Sometimes it's best to let things go...but revenge can be ever so sweet! Let us know what you do....

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WOW. It sucks that sometimes when we think we really know someone they pull something like this. It just goes to show you that there are some HORRIBLE human beings out there, ones who care nothing for anything other than their own pleasure. It's sickening that this guy would do something like this to you!


I can honestly say that if I were you, I would want some sort of revenge, or gratification in knowing that I had messed up his life in some way as he had mine. At this point, and after everything this guy has done, I would do whatever it takes to pick yourself up off the ground!!


Let us know!! lol

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  • 1 year later...

I found my ex signed on the online dating site, while we were claiming to everyone in our families that we were engaged (which he did without a ring). When i got to his house to question him, he acted sooo nice and all, I knew it was out of guilt but never bought up the fact that i saw him signed on the site....silly me wanted to make the relationship work.


When he was breaking up with me he blamed me instead of cheating on him (while he had signed on the dating site). I never questioned him being signed on the dating site, to think he even gave me the promotional magazine that comes with signing on to link removed...I was sooo blind for him and sooo foolishly in love


Anyway the only thing that i get bothered by to this date is that why i never questioned him about the site... I just want to be able to tell him, i knew he was on that site the night he was being extra sweet...


So my advice, take your revenge girl. If you have his credit card, do some damage to it. It is vengeful but some people dont realise they are being cruel with our hearts, which are harder to repair then anything materialistic of theirs...you will be called a phycho b**** whether you do anything or not... pick your poison

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Well you could send the girl he has been cheating with flowers, candy...something along those lines but instead of having her name on the inclosed card...have something like "I never thought I could love someone so much as you, (insert your name here)...." etc, or the other girl (using her name) means nothing to me, she is awful in bed and I could never love her like you... well you get the idea, but of course charge it to his credit card.

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Revenge is childish, silly and pointless. All it does is drag out your own healing and keep you involved in the situation. Two wrongs don't make a right ... it's a cliche, but it's very true nonetheless.


Best thing to do: talk it out with your friends, get your anger out at the gym, and wake up less angry ... and begin to move on with your life.

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While I don't advocate revenge, I do advocate letting people he's dating know that the person they are talking to is a liar and a cheat before he hurts more innocent women.


So, what I would do is email these women CC them all with copies of logs and emails he's sent so they can decide for themselves if he's still worth having around.


That way he'll be getting his just desserts and you'll have done a public service for these ladies.

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While I don't advocate revenge, I do advocate letting people he's dating know that the person they are talking to is a liar and a cheat before he hurts more innocent women.


So, what I would do is email these women CC them all with copies of logs and emails he's sent so they can decide for themselves if he's still worth having around.


But he's not in a relation with her no more, he's with someone else. Whether he tells her or not, it's up to him, not the ex to tell. It's none of her business.

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I say do whatever. Revenge will not backfire if you are very, very clever and smart about it.


Now down the road, if you get hurt again, you might say it's karma from this...but you'll get over that too!


It's not our responsibility to proactively teach lessons to other people, but man can it feel GOOD!

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But he's not in a relation with her no more, he's with someone else. Whether he tells her or not, it's up to him, not the ex to tell. It's none of her business.


I agree. It's meddling, any way you slice it, and worse it requires you to keep an eye on whom he is dating and so forth ... which keeps you entangled with him. Hence my point of just walking away. It's really much better in the end than any revenge. By exacting revenge, you're just pouring another wrong of your own on top of his wrong.

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I agree. It's meddling, any way you slice it, and worse it requires you to keep an eye on whom he is dating and so forth ... which keeps you entangled with him. Hence my point of just walking away. It's really much better in the end than any revenge. By exacting revenge, you're just pouring another wrong of your own on top of his wrong.


You are absolutely right... best would be to realise that 'What goes around comes around' (I know it feels like this takes a long time to work but it does).


The reason he did what he did to you is his ultimate distruction...

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So my question is: What would you do with this information? Anything? I would never do anything vengeful like spread his credit card account or anything like that

especially since that's against the law and it might be kinda obvious who did it


but I'd like to figure out some clever way to let him know that I know everything. Any ideas? Thoughts?


Who cares tho? anything "clever" you do will be negated by the fact that you've been snooping around in his finance,account information,etc. So, its a lose lose situation, like a normal person with an IQ of 150 and 6 gold medals patting themselves on the back for winning the special olympics

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