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strained relationship.. pls advice!

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I've been together with my boyfriend for 8 months now. When we first started out, everything was great. But recently, i've been realising more and more that i'm not feeling like i'm connecting with him. We argue quite a bit. I'm even starting to question my love for him.


I'm also sitting for a major exam at the end of the year, and i don't know if i can manage the time sacrifice. I really don't know what to do bcoz i know that i'll be hurting him if i break up. but then i know i should bcoz it's not fair on him for me to lead him on like this. What should i do? pls advice!

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Hi Cheech,


It's better to hurt now than to be dragging this relationship in the long term. Let him know the truth. See if you folks can find some ways to salvage something.


If it's all in vain, a breakup is a better choice than staying in a relationship that won't work out. All the best to you!

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Hi cheech,


I agree with Bleeder. Honesty is really the best policy here. In order to do this as harmless as possible, take some time for him to talk to him about this. Vary words of good memories with recent history and try to be as specific as posssible. The trick is that you really make him understand in detail why you are doing this. This will 'cause him less pain.


Before you leave him, ask him if there's something that hasn't been said and ask him to be sure. If there isn't, I guess then it's safe to leave.


I want you to know that you are doing the right thing. You do not wish to lead him on. Good job, cheech!!


Good luck!!


~ SwingFox ~

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  • 3 months later...

As a Male I find your behavior very Shallow,Shady and another sh word that will be moderated.


Imagine he was stringing you along,you wouldn't appreciate it.Imagine whenever he thought of you he became stressed and felt that he couldn't be honest with you bcoz it would hurt you to know the truth of how he felt.



You are right though being honest about this will hurt anybody,I suggest you wait for the next argument you have to say what you have to say.



He probably feels somewhat the same as you do its all just a matter of communicating your true feelings to each other.



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  • 5 months later...

Set your priorites straight i've been with a guy for 3 yrs and

5 months and we still argue a lot i'm sure you don't wanna end

up like that.relationships always starts good at first but messes

up in the end.if you can accept him and his flaws then good

if not and your still with him then you better start asking

yourself why your still with him.You guys should talk

and sort things out before you do something that you might

regret later on.GOODLUCK!!

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