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hi everyone.

i just posted my story last night about my breakup,so if you've read it..you know what's goin on.

if not, no worries.

this is just a general question (obviously something that i'm experiencing) but you dont have to know my story to have an opinion on what i'm curious about.



every night since my ex told me he doesnt want to be with me anymore,i've been having the same kind of dreams.(it's been since january 21st)

i dream that me&him are together again,or that we're out on dates, or just us spending time together, etc.

i never have a bad dream. for example, him with his new girlfriend; or a replay of the breakup. things like that.


last night,

i dreamed that he came to pick me up and we we're gonna go out. and he told me that he realized his new girlfriend wasnt really what he wanted.and that he wanted me back.

so when i woke up this morning,thats when i really started thinking about all these dreams i've been having.

before today, i never really thought twice about it.


so the question is,

do you guys think that these dreams are "signs"(that we'll get back together) or something? or do you think i'm just dreaming what i want to happen?


does that even make any sense? lol

as i've said before, i'm a big believer in signs and things like that.


i'd love to hear any opinions on this!


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not really signs...probably the way your whole system is reacting to something thats hurting you a lot.


Think if you are hurt cause of some wound, what would you do to help your body heal consciously, probably put some meds and then get on with your life.


Samething, only this time its emotional not physical...so your body is trying to heal in its own way.

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i woke up and 5 min later, he texted me with "i'm sorry i just can't do this"... i bawled my eyes out. ... sry not a feel good sort of story! >

thats sad


I've had a few things like that, although my dreams are different, before we broke up i actually dreamt she ran off with someone else, which she did >.> lol. and i'd have to say about a week ago i've been getting dreams, we're not back together but she looks emotionally dead, like she's just not happy, whatsoever. Her now boyfriend was in one of them, sitting together at lunch, but even in that dream, she just seemed so sad. when i think about it it makes me a little sad to be honest. I just want her to be happy in the end, with, or without me. I don't like to see her sad like that

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thats sad


I've had a few things like that, although my dreams are different, before we broke up i actually dreamt she ran off with someone else, which she did >.> lol. and i'd have to say about a week ago i've been getting dreams, we're not back together but she looks emotionally dead, like she's just not happy, whatsoever. Her now boyfriend was in one of them, sitting together at lunch, but even in that dream, she just seemed so sad. when i think about it it makes me a little sad to be honest. I just want her to be happy in the end, with, or without me. I don't like to see her sad like that

see, things like that are what really make me believe in dreams for some reason.

because sometimes what you dream, really does come true.


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  • 2 weeks later...

ive had dreams like this. 3 days in a row after my recent break up. the first one i whooped my exs new fling, it was pretty funny lol just cause i was going mad crazy.



but i believe its what we want to do more than what will happen but i do think sometimes we dream and things do come true, but rarely, i wish they did. :sad:

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I've had a couple of strange dreams. One dream I had told my ex about. It was about a year ago while we were still together.


I had a dream that I was driving a red audi s4 station wagon in NYC and I was startled when my ex opened the door and jumped into the car. she had asked for a ride a couple streets up. In the dream my mind knew we were broken up at the time and I had told my ex about that part of the dream.(thats why I was startled when she jumped in my car).


Here is where it gets strange. Up to the point when I had this dream I had never bought the same color car. The car in the dream was the exact car I owned except my car was a yellow audi s4 station wagon. When I told my ex about the dream I had, I had said I would have never bought the exact same color car since I already had a red car(300zx) in the past.


well, 4 months later after the dream My yellow car got totaled. The car I owned was very hard to find in the configuration (6 speed twin turbo station wagon). I ended up finding an exact configuration with slight differences 30minutes from my house IN RED and I bought it. The only other one for sale in the country in that color was in georgia. It wasnt until recently that I remembered telling my ex about the dream and was awestruck.


Ive also had a couple dreams where I was ironing things out with her parents heh. some day..


Sometimes I think our minds know exactly what is going to happen in our lives before it happens. Deja vu and stuff like that is just a reminder that perhaps our minds know our lives and deja vu's are just quirks that make us realize the mind knows all?

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Actually, I've had a dream almost nightly about my ex since we broke up a month and a half ago. I wake up at about 5 am every morning. There are times when I'll go a week w/o this happening, but it seems to always start back up. At first in the dreams, my ex and I argued and broke up, I'd wake up and realized it really happened, which was pretty depressing. After this, I started to just dream that about situations where we were still broken up. More recently, I had dreams where I'm trying to mend things, and it's working slowly.


In the back of my mind I'm pretty sure these dreams don't mean anything, but I'd like to think that they do and I do tend to believe in signs. I think it is just my subconscious telling me what I need to think to help heal. I do admit that prior to the breakup, I dreamt about a breakup a fair amount and would wake up happy knowing that we were still together, so maybe there is something to dreams. It's always good to keep hope, but at the same time not to expect anythings. I think hope keeps you going in the beginning.

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I'm nearly 2 weeks into my breakup and I say with no exaggeration every night I have some sort of dream. Usually there are mismatched feelings of her 'presense' where nothing bizarre happens. Last night however was different.


I dreamed that I lived in a large lakeside house, and my parents and I had organised a massive get-together for everyone I knew. So everyone turned up, including my ex, we chatted for a while, but when I went to another room I came back to find everyone gone. They were all walking down the driveway to another party or something, with my ex trailing at the back of the line.


Probably just because I've been feeling pretty lost since she left me and realised I've lost touch with a lot of people to the point that now I only have a few people left in my life I can talk about this with.


I hate dreams.

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