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alright, so I know that it was all me that messed this up, so I can't cry too much. see what happened was, he was falling for me, but given the time and circumstances, when he asked me to be his, I couldn't say yes. things didn't work out. ill never have any idea on whether that affected him hard or not, but what I do know is that it definitely affects me today...


when I was ready for him and I told him this, he had found someone else and said he didn't feel the same for me anymore. so this was definitely hard to swallow, but hey, I was the one that told him no first afterall, what did I expect? he even TOLD me this was the reason why, that he had given up and moved on.


we are still friends. sometimes though, I really wish we weren't, simply for the fact that I have to sit back and watch him fall in love with someone else... selfish of me, I know =(


what gets me the most is that when we are together, he will stare into my eyes for what seems like foreverrrrrrrrrr. if I weren't the one who shyly looks down after a while, who knows how long we would continue, you know? but he clearly doesn't feel the same for me anymore? why does he do this? ugh...

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