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HELP !! I CANNOT get this girl out of my head

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Alright, I'm doing no contact, i'm avoiding places we went together, things we had in common, thinking about the bad times when I think of her and none of this is helping. This woman rules my brain and there is nothing I can do about it. I lay awake at night thinking of what could have been. Brief resume; 4.5 yrs living together, i couldn't/didn't commit, she moved 2000 miles away to be back with family, 4 mos later shes with a rebound guy. I thought I was doing okay but Valentines Day really sucked, more so cuz our 5 yr anni would have been the 13th. This last week has been HELL! If anyone has any idea's, comments, brainstorms, opinions, voodoo spells, wutever please let me know cuz this is no way to live.

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Man i know what you're going through. 2 years living with my gf and did everything for her. Decides that every sacrifice possible isn't enough and decides to leave me for some punk who works in a supermarket, does copious amounts of drugs and has a piercing in nearly every conceivable place. Makes me sick!!!!!


I cant stop getting angry about it. Although this loser has been with her now for 4 months, I dont know what to do and how to get her back, I want to screw this idiot over aswell!!!! I've been doing no contact now for just 2 weeks...cheecky cow hasnt got the guts to talk it through with me. GRRRRRR

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Hey guys

first off i feel your pain. mines gone a month now. sad truth we have to plan like they arent coming back. its that forever concept that kills us. so my advice to us all is to act as if. meaning we cant let go right this moment, but we can start planning for it.


Its painful, but they are only women and there are more. there is no one perfect match, mine had problems and i had a hard time accepting them so in my case hopefully the next one wont have them.


acting as if:


work out

go on a date

keep reading your negatives list, except this time accept that those things really were true.

be nice to yourself and put down the beat me stick. regret and remorse will only make healing longer.

hate them if you need to for now, knowing that you wont later

forgive them if you can becuase you are also forgiving yourself

put anything that is theirs into a bag and throw it into the back of the closet

go for walks, a lot, be outside whenever you can

find old friends (dont talk about, if they ask tell them you dont want to talk about it but when you are ready you will)

put a rubber band on your wrist and snap it real hard when you think of them. it actually works.

put away any pictures of her

put away any special items that remind you of her

remake your bedroom a way you like it, changing the space can change the mind

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  • 2 weeks later...

Hi every one,

From a woman's perspective, you guys failed. Every lady accepts to go through a relationship hoping that it would become a commitment one day. Guys are scared of commitment but it is a wonderful thing especially with the woman his heart chooses. Why are you guys scared of commitment?

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Well from a guys point of view.


Most of us are dogs but there is still that few that are her posting our hearts out. We really care for our women and are even bending over backwards for them. Don't get me wrong I am not taking what you said the wrong way, but simply just explaining that some men are dogs, some women dog there men.


As a result men are scared of commitment because they want to make sure that there girl is the one, and another reason is they want to make sure they love this girl enough to understand her, be there for her in good or bad, and finally resist temptation when presented and not cheat on her ( that's the big one).

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