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About last night...


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Was talking to a woman I'm interested in and seeing and it was going great, until she started talking about her ex-husband and his g/f.


To be brief, she hates the way his g/f talks to her kids. Two of them live with him and she is threatening to beat his g/f up. I thought she was just letting off steam and laughed about that, joking about women fighting.


Then, she dropped a bomb-shell and told me she'd beaten up a woman, a few years ago, and not lightly to boot. I asked what the woman had done to deserve this. She'd sneaked her daugther into a nightclub when she was 13 and she'd attacked her for that. I asked her how badly she'd beaten her up and she said she didnt hang around to find out.


I'd really put me right off her as I'm not a violent man and whilst the woman was in the wrong to lead her daughter astray there was no need to behave like that.


Plus, just to walk off and leave the other person a bloody mess and show no remorse.


I'm not sure I can continue with this relationship.


Any thoughts?

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Don't know. She's never attacked me, but if she did I'd just walk away. I would not hit back as I dont believe men should hit women. Just leave that situation and never come back. I just feel that her behaviour was appalling that night. To attack somebody, with such feriocity seems to me so cold-blooded.

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I would walk away - she seems to see nothing wrong with how she acts and that is bordering on psychopathic behaviour.


from wikipedia:

The psychopath is defined by a psychological gratification in criminal, sexual, or aggressive impulses and the inability to learn from past mistakes. Individuals with this disorder gain satisfaction through their antisocial behavior and lack remorse for their actions.

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I'm wondering how much interest this woman actually had in you ...I mean, these are things you would NEVER reveal to a guy you were interested in and so soon. Know I wouldn't anyway. Sounds like she is trying to deliberatley put you off her.


Crikey, think you should move further North. Seems to be a lot of oddball women down your way....LOL

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I'm wondering how much interest this woman actually had in you ...I mean, these are things you would NEVER reveal to a guy you were interested in and so soon. Know I wouldn't anyway. Sounds like she is trying to deliberatley put you off her.


Crikey, think you should move further North. Seems to be a lot of oddball women down your way....LOL



LOL...true on both counts. Perhaps that was her way of getting rid of me and it worked.


As for women further up North prefer Southern Belles.

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