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Partners and friends


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I was chatting to a friend about this and it got me thinking...


What she told me was that her ex never ever made the effort to meet us or get to know us.

I think he was a bit shy and didn’t like her, or them going out with us and our partners.

I put this down to he was scared of her having 'fun' without him


Do you get on with your OH mates?

Any you dislike?

Do you shudder at all when you hear their names?

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Do you get on with your OH mates?

I get on with my OH mates. I actually make a slight effort to stay on their good side too. It's important to me, b/c I'd like us to have fun together when we go out with them. And I'd hate to be "the gf they all hate" lol or secretly want him breaking up with. Or I'd hate it if my bf brought me along everywhere and they secretly where hoping I wouldn't show. I want him keeping his friends. I think that's a healthy attitude.


Oh I have to add though, sometimes if I'm left alone with them I tend to feel a bit akward. I try making convo but I'm really not that good with chit chat, one on one at outings and gatherings. That is one time I prefer larger groups.

Any you dislike?

None. Maybe this one girl who he dated wayyyyyyyy back in the day, and who only comes along once in a blue moon. But even with her I try to get along. I just tease him about her sometimes. And don't like it if she brings up the past. Meow.

And there is this other girl he used to tell me liked him. And something supposedly almost started, but in the end they remained just friends.

Do you shudder at all when you hear their names?

Not really.


I don't mind him going out with his friends without me. However, he prefers to always take me with him.

I think he may be the one who doesn't like me going out with my friends alone all the time, so he is kinda trying to set an "example" for the tone of the relationship by always taking me along. That way I think he hopes I take him along too lol.

I do go out with family and some other friends without him occasionally though.

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