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Can't talk about it to him

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well if yall are married yall should have great communication and talk about it, tell him you want to spice up yalls sex life and try new things, experiment with each other, hopefully he is willing to give you oral sex because if all you 2 are doing is straight sex then that will not be satisfying your needs, CLITORIS STIMULATION!

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I have been with my bf 6 yrs now, and I still haven't had an orgasm with him with penetration sex. My bf is also a very sensitive guy. You both need to have a good talk about this. Make sure that you let him know there is nothing wrong with him or his performance. A lot of women cannot orgasm with penetration sex. If you both compromise, talk about it (about what each of you can do about it), there should be no problems. There are plenty of other ways to achieve orgasm. There is no rule saying that a woman MUST orgasm through penetration sex. You should not continue faking it, because you will end up frustrated and angry at yourself and even him. Be honest and open with each other - there is nothing that cannot be worked out if you both listen to each others needs.

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You girls have the answers, really! Think about what guys buy in magazines. Think about what we love to see, and what we want to watch you do. We're pretty stupid about a womans body. Show us! That alone will beef up our confidence, just knowing where everything is and knowing that you all are doing and fantasizing about the same things.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Guys don't know womens bodies like we do. We need to teach them about what we like and want. Many times they will be receptive to what we want even if it isn't right away. If he is sensitive to criticism ask him if you guys can try something new together and make sure to let him know that you aren't criticizing him you just want to spice things up a little. He should understand and comply with it. If not try to talk to him and maybe ask him what he would change in your sexual habits to spice things up. If that doesn't work subtly guide his hands and lips to where you want them and let him know that you enjoy what he's doing with them.

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This thread is kinda about how to approach men with directions without them knowing they are being directed.


How about use the "Sports Team Coach" role idea. Guys can relate to that idea. They know the coach is there to help the team succeed. And if you are merely coaching him, he may be more approachable in that kind of context.


Also, perhaps coaching him at a different time than the act itself (over dessert?) may find his mind more relaxed and receptive than in the heat of the moment when he's got blinders on like a bull and his brain is firing too fast to register things. (I mean coaching him on the big picture things like "to do" or "not to do" things, not the physical assistance things)


Wear a whistle and a ball cap to make it fun even...



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  • 2 weeks later...

Can you bring yourself to the edge before he starts so that you are close enough for him to complete your pleasure? One thing I enjoyed was feeling her play with herself while I was in her. I knew she was touching herself but at the same time she was touching me.

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