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Alright... I'm posting a pic...


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I don't like the idea of people posting pics on this site.You are not getting a representative opinon of the general public anyway.What do you expect people to say,''yes,you are ugly ,you are a hopeless case''.Most people[who post there pics] are looking for the confidence boost that they think people will give them,''oh yes,you've got nothing to worry about you are attractive''.


Count me as another person who thinks posting pics should be banned. It's pointless. If anyone says so-and-so is not attractive, they get flamed. Not fair.

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Well, I have posted pics before but for other reasons than to be told I'm okay or attractive. I don't really care, I know I'm uggy.


I agree also. But I still commend people for having the courage to doing so. At least they're reaching out to others. I admire courage anyway.

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Agreed to a point. However, people on ENA have many issues they need to work out, and if your issue is one of a physical nature, then you need to let people know what you look like.


I agree no-one will say "you're UGLY" - BUT they could give constructive criticism, like people telling you to cut your hair differently, or telling you to emphasise this or take care of that. And that DOES happen.



I don't like the idea of people posting pics on this site.You are not getting a representative opinon of the general public anyway.What do you expect people to say,''yes,you are ugly ,you are a hopeless case''.Most people[who post there pics] are looking for the confidence boost that they think people will give them,''oh yes,you've got nothing to worry about you are attractive''.
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I don't like the idea of people posting pics on this site.You are not getting a representative opinon of the general public anyway.What do you expect people to say,''yes,you are ugly ,you are a hopeless case''.Most people[who post there pics] are looking for the confidence boost that they think people will give them,''oh yes,you've got nothing to worry about you are attractive''.


Heh, well, yeah, that's something I pretty much figured before posting. To be honest, I was just curious how I "stack up" to other people, as no one has ever talked to me about the way I look. Besides, like the guy in the post above me said, people could at least offer constructive criticism, which would be more helpful than nothing at all. Anyway, I'm not the type that gets all upset when some one "criticizes" me, so...

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Heh, well, yeah, that's something I pretty much figured before posting. To be honest, I was just curious how I "stack up" to other people, as no one has ever talked to me about the way I look. Besides, like the guy in the post above me said, people could at least offer constructive criticism, which would be more helpful than nothing at all. Anyway, I'm not the type that gets all upset when some one "criticizes" me, so...

I agree about the constructive criticism but didn't you title your post ''ugly guy'' or something like that? You assume you are ugly and wanted people to prove you otherwise.Constructive criticism say about one's hair style can be helpful,I agree.A change in hairstyle can dramatically improve one's appearance.I recently got a very short haircut[buzzcut] at the urging of a female friend and yes,it has improved my looks considerably.A change in hairstyle can change an okay/average looking guy into a good looking guy so yes,that kind of advise can be helpful,it just seems that most people who post pics want the validation that they are attractive and most don't seem willing to take the constructive criticism that they are offered.

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I agree about the constructive criticism but didn't you title your post ''ugly guy'' or something like that? You assume you are ugly and wanted people to prove you otherwise.


o.O Nope, that must've been another user.


Constructive criticism say about one's hair style can be helpful,I agree.A change in hairstyle can dramatically improve one's appearance.I recently got a very short haircut[buzzcut] at the urging of a female friend and yes,it has improved my looks considerably.A change in hairstyle can change an okay/average looking guy into a good looking guy so yes,that kind of advise can be helpful,it just seems that most people who post pics want the validation that they are attractive and most don't seem willing to take the constructive criticism that they are offered.


Well, with me, I like to respond to the constructive criticism, not because I want to validate myself but because, well, some people might suggest something that I'm pretty iffy on, and so I like to maybe work with what that person said and find some sort of "compromise", so that I'm still looking for advice on how to look a little better, but at the same time, keeping it to something that I'd like, too. <_ that was a really long sentence...>

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Im not trying to hijack your thread, but I feel the same in a lot of ways. My pic is my avatar, and I was bored one day so I made an interesting face..lol. I dont have that facial hair anymore though. IDK.


EDIT: I changed my pic. That's me on the left with the Hatebreed shirt and hat on standing next to the bassist of Rise Against, my idol. Lol.

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I posted something like this before, but I agree, this is probably not the best thing to do. Why? Every woman likes different things. Post 1 might tell you to shave. Post 2 might tell you to get some kind of facial hair. Post 3 might tell you keep your hair the same, while the next poster might want it a little longer and the next person might suggest you shave it completely. The point is that when you ask questions like this or put up pics asking for an opinion, every person is going to try to make you their ideal male.


So, the only thing I suggest is to do what makes you comfortable. Make whatever changes you want to make or stay the same if you want to. There's no point in changing yourself into something you're not comfortable with if you don't feel like it's "you."


You shouldn't worry about attracting tons of women, you should simply style yourself in a manner that you like so that the woman that you do attract likes the "you" that you're comfortable with. Asking us to play ken and barbie with your appearance will not help.

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