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MY b/f looks at porn

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  • 5 years later...

honesty-who's vehicle were you using for many years?Who would go out and watch male strippers and couldn't keep your hands off of them.Who paid your bills not you.Who would beat your fists on him while he was driving with the kids in the car.Who would come home when he was sleeping and jump on him and beat on him when he was a sleep and you were drunk.Who would go to his work place and tell his boss he needed to come home,just because you were lonely. Who did you live with for many year free food , and broad. How many times were you in court and the lies you got caught in.Yes,your sleeping in the bed you made for you!!WHEN YOU SEARCH FOR ADVICE-YOU NEED TO BE HONEST TO YOURSELF,But you may not like what you see!!

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The point being-I answer her question. Point being you coming in too a stranger room wanting help or understanding. You can only get advice from anyone when you yourself take both side of what is going on that leads to a disfunction in a relationship. Which means what part is yours in it,and if any! To go online and opening up your life to strangers give anyone the right to response,I answer her question and maybe she will take a hard look at where she is at right now.She had true help with the ones who know her but she seeks advice who can't really help her!

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Candytruth do you personally know the OP? Is that what this is about? I am sure i won't be the only one confused.


I do agree with you that a person can only truly get help for a situation when BOTH sides of the story are clearly painted....however, this thread is six years old. Unless you know the OP personally and are hurt by what she said because it involves you, we can't figure out why you would want to write this post on this thread.

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To the matter of porn for the rest! Been there and if you can't get the communication going on whats wrong, you take off your rose color glasses,and decide how much longer are you willing to put up with it. how long would you put up with abuse or isit something you could put up with then why are? Is it something you did to have him turn to it! If not why are you putting up with it. Then you need to search with in you. Like any abuse if you allow it . It will only continue,and if you have a relationship where you can't be honest with each other and it causes a fight,then take off the rose color glasses and get out of there,because its going to end sooner or later and is that person worth it. Male or female and theres more problems usually in the relationship than just porn. Don't mean to sound harsh but been there -both people has to chose it,or one feels degrade.I myself feels it should be outlaw. But some do it cuz they are not happy in what is going on in the relationship. But both man and women do it,and there is men who get hurt from it too!

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Well in that case far be it from me to interfere. If she truly isn't giving the entire side of the story then it is only hurting her, because the responses won't be very helpful or applicable.


You see, when someone looks for help here it only helps them if they are honest with us and themselves. If they get a ton of great feedback based on only half truths then it is them who suffers because the advice won't be applicable.

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jade i like the quote -If there was a way to get this off my chest i would do it another way -on e there is kids to take inconsideration- and seeing this out there since 2003 means they will be able to find it when they grow up. So, if she ever reads this she know what i'm trying to say without me putting it out there,and also look at the last 6 years!!

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