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Building good physical health


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Hi ENA friends,


I have finally decided to quit my unhealthy lifestyle and start healthy habits.


I would like to eat well, go to the gym regularly, sleep well etc...


My blood test results showed that my Adrenal Glands are stressed out due to poor eating habits and disturbing sleep patterns... I can't go on like this any more..


Right now this is my routine:


1) Morning - no breakfast, just 2 coffees

2) Afternoon - rice and chicken

3) Evening - 2 coffees

4) Night - fried rice

5) Go to bed at 12

6) Smoke occasionally


That's all.. this is what I have been doing for a very long time... i never exercise.. never go to the gym..


I would like you guys to help me out here... plz give me specific info as to what i can eat for breakfast, lunch, dinner... what exercises i can do.. any other habits that can help me build my health..




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Here is a good diet that I pass on to all of my friends that want to go from unhealthy/healthy to very confident and happy



Ok so if you want to seriously do this here is what I would recommend


Go to Wal-Mart and buy 2, 5lb tubs of whey protein


You will have 3 protein shakes a day. 1 in the morning when you wake up. One at lunch and one as soon as you get home from work.


DO NOT eat after 8pm. No exceptions. Your body will just store everything you eat after that hour.


Excellent Tuna salad with little fat. Here is how to make a 5 day supply

4 larger cans of tuna, 1 cup of light sour cream, 1/4 light mayo, 1/3 cup honey mustard, 1/2 chopped red onion, 2 peeled and chopped Jalepeno peppers.

Mix all ingredients in a bowl and enjoy! Easy huh? Ha ha.


How to make your Protein Shake.


Add 3 scoops of the powder

1 cup of SKIM milk

2 egg whites. (I have found that it mixes a lot better if you stir the powder and milk before you add the egg whites)

If you want a little bit of flavor to take away the almost non existant taste of the egg whites, add a teaspoon of ground cinnamon.


Start off eating 8 times a day (once every 90 minutes)


Meal 1: 7-8am

With your morning shake eat one small can of tuna and 2 tablespoons of peanut butter. Take your first Tren capsule.


Meal 2: 8:30-9:30am

2 hard boild egg whites


Meal 3: 10-11am

This is a time where you might feel a little tired and need some energy. Have 1 slice of Whole Grain Wheat bread with some raw Broccoli for Iron


Meal 4: 11:30am-12:30pm

Although you should stay away from sugars, its good to have some sugar around this time of day. Feel free to have a couple granola bars of your choice. I tend to like the "naturs own" honey granola bars. They have 7 grams of fat in each package and I will eat two of them. This would be a good meal to take your next Tren capsule and Protein shake


Meal 5: 1-2pm

One more small can of tuna


Meal 6: 2:30-3:30pm

Around this time you are probably not going to be too hungry but force yourself to have at least 1 tablespoon of peanut butter complimented with another slice of Whole Grain Wheat Bread


Meal 7: 4-5pm

1 Half cup of tuna salad or 2 hard boild egg whites and 1 full hard boiled egg and enjoy your final Protein Shake


Meal 8: 6:30-7:30pm

1 8-10oz baked chicken breast, 2 cups of salad with no dressing (use the salad spritzers or squeeze a lime on top for flavor) and 1 Slice of Whole Grain Wheat Bread or 1 cup of BROWN rice (no salt). Take last Tren capsule

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I don't know if it's a good idea to have a diet that is so heavy on the proteins and so light in the other areas. I'd seek advise from a nutritionist, but start out by one important change: eat a healthy breakfast.


Exercise will improve both your sleep and your healthy appetite.

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I don't know if it's a good idea to have a diet that is so heavy on the proteins and so light in the other areas. I'd seek advise from a nutritionist, but start out by one important change: eat a healthy breakfast.


Exercise will improve both your sleep and your healthy appetite.


what would constitute a healthy breakfast?

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Great to hear from you Avi. Thanx for the detailed reply.


What exactly is this Tren capsule? and is there any specific brand of Whey Protein I should look for?


Can you also give some pointers for exercises?


Tren capsule= Legal pro hormone. You can pick it up at a local Max Muscle or google Extreme Tren online. There are knock off brands of it but the one I use is made by American Cellular Labs. There are virtually no side effects for me. The capsules run between $40-$90 for 90 capsules. (1 month supply but WORTH IT)


Whey protein= If you are just starting off I would not say that you really need to worry about what brand you use. I would suggest that you get the "body fortress" brand at wal-mart. Eventually you want to find a protein that has less sugars and more Taurine and Leucine for faster muscle growth.


I would also reccommend picking up a 2-3 lb tub of Casine Protein. It is a slower released protein that you should take at night so you can help promote muscle recovery/growth while you sleep. Another good alternative to the powder is 1/2 cup of cottage cheese.


As far as an excercise routine, it depends on what you are aiming for physically. Do you want to Bulk up, tone up or both. You have to bulk up really big before you tone up if you want a big build. If you just want to tone up then you might want me to change your diet I posted to a more of a shred diet. (a shred diet is VERY hard to follow so I would reccommend that you put on a lot of muscle mass before you try to tone) The diet I posted is easy to follow and it does not leave you hungry.

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I don't know if it's a good idea to have a diet that is so heavy on the proteins and so light in the other areas. I'd seek advise from a nutritionist, but start out by one important change: eat a healthy breakfast.


Exercise will improve both your sleep and your healthy appetite.


That diet was put together by my friend (a personal trainer/nutritionist) and myself. It does not really lack in any areas. Plus it is a heck of a lot healthier than his diet now. It just all depends on what his goal is.


Keep in mind he can take vitamin suppliments to make up for other areas not in the diet.


I had massive gains with this diet and had zero health problems. Everyone is different though.

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Thanx Avi.


My goal is not to bulk up or build big muscles. I want to shed the excess fat that I have and be fit. I want to feel energetic and healthy.


I am looking for an overall feeling of being in peak physical health rather than just building muscles.


ok. Well in that case I would substitute the whey protein shakes with 6-8 oz lean steaks or chicken breasts. I would load up on the vitamins and Iron.


Other than that, stick to that diet.


Don't take the Tren Capsules.


As far as a work out routine....


Find a cardio workout that you like. It can be jogging, swimming or biking. Even jump roping would be great to achieve your goal.


I would do at least 30 minutes of cardio 5 days a week.


do a super set on bi's tri's and shoulders 2 times a week


Back and abs 1 day a week


and legs 2 days a week.


Super set= 3 sets of 15-20 reps on each muscle group with no more than a minute rest between each set.

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I don't think that's a very good diet, to be honest. It's a protein binge. I think a more mixed diet with MUCH more variety would be better. More fruit, pulses, vegetables etc/ Isn't this a bodybuilder's diet?


It is. If he wants to tone up then by cutting out the protein shakes, he will be at about 1 gram of protien per lb as opposed to 2 grams per pound. It is NOT a bad diet. It has worked on plenty of my friends. if he wants to eat more fruit then he can do so. It is an outline for him to use.


I sure wish people would stop knocking a diet that they have never tried that was put together by a nutritionist/personal trainer. To each their own though. I would love to see what kind of shape you guys are in.

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It is. If he wants to tone up then by cutting out the protein shakes, he will be at about 1 gram of protien per lb as opposed to 2 grams per pound. It is NOT a bad diet. It has worked on plenty of my friends. if he wants to eat more fruit then he can do so. It is an outline for him to use.


I sure wish people would stop knocking a diet that they have never tried that was put together by a nutritionist/personal trainer. To each their own though. I would love to see what kind of shape you guys are in.


Avi, what fruits do you recommend? I generally do not eat any fruit. So based on your recommendations I can try 1 or 2.


HP, what is pulses? sorry.. i have no idea.

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It is. If he wants to tone up then by cutting out the protein shakes, he will be at about 1 gram of protien per lb as opposed to 2 grams per pound. It is NOT a bad diet. It has worked on plenty of my friends. if he wants to eat more fruit then he can do so. It is an outline for him to use.


I sure wish people would stop knocking a diet that they have never tried that was put together by a nutritionist/personal trainer. To each their own though. I would love to see what kind of shape you guys are in.


He wants to build good physical health, and that means (to me) a sensible diet without relying on vitamins or shakes, and eating from all food groups, including fruit and vegetables. Any nutritionist will say that you need a balanced diet, and this doesn't sound too balanced to me, but if your aim is to bulk up, then that's fine, although I think there are long-term problems attached to that.


I'm glad it works for you - I just think that a more well-balanced diet would be good. THE most important thing is that he stops smoking first of all, though - any diet is pretty irrelevant whilst you are smoking, because of the damage you are doing (I speak as an ex-smoker here, so know how hard it is to quit!)

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Avi, what fruits do you recommend? I generally do not eat any fruit. So based on your recommendations I can try 1 or 2.


HP, what is pulses? sorry.. i have no idea.


You need fruit!! And fresh vegetables, and loads of them. Why not try 'eating the seasons' as a good way to start.


Pulses = lentils, oats, barley - bowl of porridge to start the day, best thing you can do!

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1) Morning - no breakfast, just 2 coffees

2) Afternoon - rice and chicken

3) Evening - 2 coffees

4) Night - fried rice

5) Go to bed at 12

6) Smoke occasionally



1 - eat breakfast. i don't care if you get the most fattening burrito ever...just eat something. i usually have some peanut butter and a banana. if i have time, i make a protein shake in the morning

2 - your afternoon lunch looks good

3 - no coffee - eat some more chicken or a veggie dinner and have a protein shake

4 - refer to # 3. night = ??? hours i don't recommend eating late

5 - i sleep about this time every day so...

6 - quit smoking if you can. you will be more energized AND healthy.


i like avi's example of a week/weekday breakdown; however, that is too much tuna fish. you should only have tuna once or twice a week max. tuna is very good for you with all of the omega fats in it and such, but, unfortunately, our bodies are not made for tuna. so limit that to a few times a week.


i mostly eat chicken breast, rice, some wheat bread, and other protein rich foods. protein shakes too. also, just keep up the cardio. get at least 30 minutes in and you will see results.


oh, i forgot, quit coffee. stuff is bad for you. if you can, go to decaf and quit drinking sodas if you do. you will eventually get yourself off of relying on that crap for energy. replace it with fruit in raw form.

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Thanks guys for the helpful info..


Question - do you guys purchase chicken breast and heat it and eat or do you actually cook by yourself?


I understand that chicken breast and rice are healthy but not sure if I have to cook it by myself or i can purchase it from Safeway or somewhere else..

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Thanks guys for the helpful info..


Question - do you guys purchase chicken breast and heat it and eat or do you actually cook by yourself?


I understand that chicken breast and rice are healthy but not sure if I have to cook it by myself or i can purchase it from Safeway or somewhere else..


I usually grill chicken on a george foreman grill - but you can do so many things with chicken; there are gazillions of simple/easy/one-dish chicken recipes around, even I can't go wrong, and that's saying something.


Seriously, though, the one thing you can do for your health is to quit smoking - without doing that, the rest of it is meaningless.

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I usually grill chicken on a george foreman grill - but you can do so many things with chicken; there are gazillions of simple/easy/one-dish chicken recipes around, even I can't go wrong, and that's saying something.


Seriously, though, the one thing you can do for your health is to quit smoking - without doing that, the rest of it is meaningless.


Thanks HP.


Yup, I need to quit cigarettes and coffee. To be very honest I would find quitting coffee much more difficult than cigarettes

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He wants to build good physical health, and that means (to me) a sensible diet without relying on vitamins or shakes, and eating from all food groups, including fruit and vegetables. Any nutritionist will say that you need a balanced diet, and this doesn't sound too balanced to me, but if your aim is to bulk up, then that's fine, although I think there are long-term problems attached to that.


I'm glad it works for you - I just think that a more well-balanced diet would be good. THE most important thing is that he stops smoking first of all, though - any diet is pretty irrelevant whilst you are smoking, because of the damage you are doing (I speak as an ex-smoker here, so know how hard it is to quit!)



Yeah I strongly agree. What I was saying is that the portions and times to eat are a great start. It will help with his metabolism. Instead of bread, eat a veggie, instead of a granola bar, eat fruits.


Bananas, kiwi, avocados and mangos are great fruits to eat.

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Yeah I strongly agree. What I was saying is that the portions and times to eat are a great start. It will help with his metabolism. Instead of bread, eat a veggie, instead of a granola bar, eat fruits.


Bananas, kiwi, avocados and mangos are great fruits to eat.


yup... the time structure is crucial here... thx Avi.. because as you can see i do not eat anything for breakfast and then lunch and dinner with plenty of coffee in between...


one good thing though is i never drink sodas...

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Yeah I strongly agree. What I was saying is that the portions and times to eat are a great start. It will help with his metabolism. Instead of bread, eat a veggie, instead of a granola bar, eat fruits.


Bananas, kiwi, avocados and mangos are great fruits to eat.


This is good advice, Grymoire - eating small, regular meals.


And it's really important that you cut back on coffee - maybe have one strong coffee in the morning? But you should be replacing these with water.

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This is good advice, Grymoire - eating small, regular meals.


And it's really important that you cut back on coffee - maybe have one strong coffee in the morning? But you should be replacing these with water.


yea.. lots of useful info here... now i got to be disciplined and put it into practice...


to start with, yes i am thinking of cutting down my coffee intake from 5 cups to 1 cup.

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Thanks guys for the helpful info..


Question - do you guys purchase chicken breast and heat it and eat or do you actually cook by yourself?


I understand that chicken breast and rice are healthy but not sure if I have to cook it by myself or i can purchase it from Safeway or somewhere else..


i almost always 99% eat out. i like my stuff made fresh.


but at warehouse stores, like costco or sams club, they have chicken breast in bulk. very cheap. try a fresh n easy if you can too. they have organic chicken.

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