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Does he like me? Is he gay/bi?

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hahahahaha swine flu, anyway,


ur lucky, i have the same problem (i'm bi), but this person i like gives less clues. I do like this girl though, gonna ask her out, butt i also like him


I've told one person, and if i was in ur position i would have told him a long time ago, it seems like he is after you.


My problem is, i like him, we make eye contact all the time, when i look back to see the time he's always looking at me (i have 2 classes with him), he always makes faces at me and i smile, and he does too. Always calls me during class or whenever he sees me. Says things (kids about loving me, etc.) and his psychology/mentality makes me think he is gay/bi, i can't explain, but if you know how to read people, you can see what lies beneath them, but anyway, he throws so many curve balls. He says he likes a girl but being the mind reader i am, i hear no sincerity and when he heard i had a girlfriend (but we already broke up), he was smiling, but his eyes were looking down to the left, a sign of disappointment. But sometimes he says things about girls that i also feel which makes things iffy. Oh, and he's always touching me and just thinks like i do and is very opinionated and likes to show it. Observing people, i see that this is definitely a female trait, and his walk (hips swing).


I also believe that most of the time if ur attracted to someone for their personality, they most likely like you back because they're ur match, you subconsciously find each other, you don't even know it.



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Yes there is! Okay, so, over the weekend I went over to my friends house, with several other people, for a sleep-over. So, that night I decided I'd make myself a new AIM, and I did. Later on, my friend was on MySpace and B was online (I don't have a MySpace, by-the-way). I sent him a messege saying that it was me and, "Hi". He said, "Hi" back and asked me what I wanted to talk to him about before. I then gave him my AIM so we wouldn't fill up my friends inbox, and even if we used his MySpace it wouldn't matter because my friend already knows that I really like him and my friend is bi, so he gets it. So, we start talking on AIM and I get as far as telling him I'm gay. His reply was the word, "Ok." But then I had to go, and so did he. The reason he wasn't at the sleep-over was because it was his mom's birthday (May 17th). Also that night, I came out to two other friends that night. My total is: 10 since Dec. 2008. ANYWAY: So today at school, he's been saying, "Hi" to me way more often then before, and talking to me more. Oh, and he's now been going out with Whitney for two weeks. They've been holding hands at lunch for the past week and today I noticed that he didn't (if that means anything).

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OMFG!!! YAY!! It went well!! I'm so happy 4 u! Haha, i've waited to long though.. lol. Well sounds to me like B's also happy that u are gay. Maybe B's thinking "holy * * * * , i have a chance with him now". Haha, lets hope so. I reckon he isn't holding her hand coz he now has SOMETHING to consider. Well keep us updated PLEASE!

Nothing for me though, just that i was in Vege's Chemistry prac group yesterday (monday 18th) and we spoke heaps (well heaps for 2 ppl that only say "hi" to eachother every other day)!! Coz the other 2 ppl in our group basically just sat ther and chatted together so it was like me an him wer on our own! And i was like... "YYYAAAYYY!!!!" Hehe, but yea

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I wish you wouldn't get your hopes up about this guy. Gay guys don't have girlfriends, it's unlikely that he's gay.


I think it's great that you've come out to more people. It gets easier each time you do it. Have you met anybody at your school that's openly gay or has said they're gay?

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Actually, some gay guys do. They don't want to be "outed" or to be considered gay so the decide to get a girlfriend at an attempt of trying to seem, or become straight. Or he could be bi. Yes, I do know of one guy who is openly gay, but I think he's extreamly annoying so wa-eva. And yeah, I just noticed today that I'll look over at him and he's almost always looking back at me too. I mean, at lunch he'll sit with his girlfriend (who sits with us) and he'll almost never pay any attention to her, and will sometimes hold her hand.

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I wish you wouldn't get your hopes up about this guy. Gay guys don't have girlfriends, it's unlikely that he's gay.


I think it's great that you've come out to more people. It gets easier each time you do it. Have you met anybody at your school that's openly gay or has said they're gay?


I had a girlfriend when i was in highschool

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I TOLD HIM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I actually got him to guess! When he did I was just like, "Oh, you're good!" And then he was just like, "Not to be mean but I'm straight." and I was just like, "LOL, that wasn't mean." and yeah. . . . He said "thank you for telling me." I guess that's means I'ma start movin' on now! Well, I thank you all for helping me out through this, I really appreciate it! I think I'm over him, and if I'm not I have some problems I need to work out, LOL. But, yeah, thanks to all!


Oh, and Bray_Dog: So I guess Vegemite isn't mad at you anymore? YAY!

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I TOLD HIM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I actually got him to guess! When he did I was just like, "Oh, you're good!" And then he was just like, "Not to be mean but I'm straight." and I was just like, "LOL, that wasn't mean." and yeah. . . . He said "thank you for telling me." I guess that's means I'ma start movin' on now! Well, I thank you all for helping me out through this, I really appreciate it! I think I'm over him, and if I'm not I have some problems I need to work out, LOL. But, yeah, thanks to all!


Oh, and Bray_Dog: So I guess Vegemite isn't mad at you anymore? YAY!


Congratulations on telling him! Sure I suppose it wasn't exactly the answer you wanted, but hey, at least it seems that you two are on good terms and you're handling it well. If I were you I'd be pretty happy with the way things turned out - maybe not the best-case scenario, but far from the worst!

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I TOLD HIM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I actually got him to guess! When he did I was just like, "Oh, you're good!" And then he was just like, "Not to be mean but I'm straight." and I was just like, "LOL, that wasn't mean." and yeah. . . . He said "thank you for telling me." I guess that's means I'ma start movin' on now! Well, I thank you all for helping me out through this, I really appreciate it! I think I'm over him, and if I'm not I have some problems I need to work out, LOL. But, yeah, thanks to all!


Oh, and Bray_Dog: So I guess Vegemite isn't mad at you anymore? YAY!


congratulations sorry you didn't get the boy, but then, the problem is of a statistical nature - we're quite a rare species


I;m glad you two are still friends though, that's very good, you're lucky to have a friend like him!

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Thanks! But, after I wrote that, I had a major mood crash! Seriously, I was totally depressed! But a good friend of mine was trying to cheer me up, and I was seriously close to crying, but then I got over it. Today he was in three of my classes, and it went really well, seeing as I thought it was gonna be really awkward. It wasn't. He sat accross from me at lunch, and we kinda talked a little, he even asked me if I had shorts he could borrow for gym (which I wasn't expecting). So, it wasn't so bad.

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Yay, thats really good! Atleast he didn't flip out. Lol, I'm happy for you. But yea, Veges not friends with that guy, who hates me who made him also hate me, anymore coz everyones starting to realise this guy is a jerk.. So it's all good now. We're back to kinda normalish (still kinda akward coz we dont know eachother well and it's kinda like he wants to say sorry and i am waiting for him to, but don't really care if he does).

I don't think vege's gay, maybe bi. But yea, i'm gonna keep at it. Maybe something will happen later on in the year.

Atm I kinda also like a guy in the grade above me who everyone thinks is bi but he doesn't admit or deny it. Haha, he seems to show an interest in me. And i think he thinks i'm gay so yea, thats good in a way.

So yea. I'm gonna just concentrate on assignments and exams for now and see what happens. I can catch up with this new guy.. lets call him... JAM hahaha, in the holidays after all school stuff is over pretty easy anyway.

Yay, hope everyone has fun with.. well.. life and stuff. And i shall maybe keep in contact with you "unusual u". Let ya know whats happening!


Good Night

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YAY! Definatly keep at it, and good luck with "Jam", LOL. I'm gonna keep you guys updated for the rest of the school year (about three weeks), just in case something unexpected comes up! For now everything has been good, and he's been pretty nice to me. LOL. And, definatley, Bray_Dog, keep "in-contact"! I MUST KNOW WHAT HAPPENS! LOL.

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the best of luck to both of you, reading this was like a soap opera (just that it was intense). anyway, i hope everything works out for you!!!!


Good description, couldn't have put it better myself!


And "Unusual u", I shall keep you updated and i hope that something happens good for you soon. (I just sounded like i don't speak proper english.. oh well, haha) And yea, i reckon he'll come back to you soon. He mighten have wanted to say that he likes you or that hes bi/gay right ther and then. I mean if a guy came up to me, said "hey you know i'm gay" then a couple of days later told me, "he liked me" and i liked him, i wouldn't be like "well yea, i really like you too and i'm gay aswell" Coz you don't know if the other person (in this case it's you) could just be playing around, and could suddenly go "haha, you know i was just kidding around", just after you ACTUALLY DID come out to them.. You know what i mean or am i confusing you as much as i'm confusing myself.. haha

But yea, thers still a maybe ther. It's great you 2 can stay friends though

Well i'm off to bed, i just finished my Biology assignment that was due on friday.. oops haha.


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I totally get what you're saying, because I've actually thought about what I would do if that happened to me. I'd be sooo cared that they were just trying to "get information" out of me, or something. But now there's a problem. He's starting to avoid me. . . . I think. . . . Like before I told him I liked him he never signed on AIM as "invisible" and now all the time he is (which I think is because of me). And sometimes, like last night, he was on for, literally, two seconds. Which really really really REALLY bugs me. . . . And we were in English class and I was talking to one of his best friends, who's my friend too, and there was a desk inbetween us, because I wasn't sitting there, I was just talking before class started. So B goes to the row behind us, and his friend Andrew tells B to sit next to him. B looks at me and tells Andrew to go sit with him. Andrew refuses, and B refuses. I just get frustrated and walk away. It's like he's scared I'm gonna do something, like try to hold his hand or kiss him or something. It's ridiculous! But then, at the same time, he's still nice to me, and we're working together, with a couple other people, and nothing bad is going on. SO I'M SOOOOO CONFUSED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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Well I'm glad you told him you're gay and you got an answer to your question.

Thats more than some of us get.


I really don't suggest thinking about it too much... I mean, he gave you an answer and he has a girlfriend. Just be yourself around him, and treat him like a friend; don't read too much into his actions. He knows you are gay now so if he wants something to happen he will make it happen.


As for the way he is acting, you may just want to leave him alone if he keeps acting that way. I hope everything turns out for the best.

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yea. Well i wouldn't worry about it either. like.. umm.. ok i'll pretend i'm him again, haha.

For some silly reason in my head, now that i know hes gay, everyone else knows aswell. Because of this weird asumption, i don't want people to think that me and him are going out or that we like eachother.. so i'll make sure that know one thinks this by acting like i don't wanna sit next to the gay kid who, to other people, might come on to me. even though i know he wouldn't. But when other people arn't around or arn't taking notice, i don't really care and i'll act normal again..

Maybe? Haha, as for the AIM thing.. i don't know. But someone did tell me something a lil while ago, you never really know whats going on inside the other persons head infront of you. Or whats REALLY happeing in their life. Their for, you can never really know the complete answer or make your own assumptions.

"For example, the chick at maccas thats serving you is being a real cow. Your just thinking, hurry up and give me my food so i can get out of this chicks way. But maybe earlier on in the day, her boyfriend called and dumped her and then on the way to work her car broke down, making her late. Then her boss yelled at her for being late and now shes on the edge of insanity because the boss is p*ssed off and is watching her every move... (wow i really went into that one...)"

And yea, so maybe thers someone else hes tryoing to avoid on AIM, not you. Haha, but then again don't go into it to much.. (says the kid who just finished like a 1000 word essay on the chick at maccas life, hehe)

Well yea, don't stress.. Just let it flow. C what happens and yea, maybe just steer clear of B for now. Maybe he'll want you more for ignoring him a bit.. haha


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I found out today that Whitney broke up with B, and she won't say why. All we know is that she thinks that they're better off friends (clever. . . .). He's free again! He also knows how I feel about him, so maybe. . . . I'm gonna let how tomorrow goes to see if I should initiate a talk, because this week has been pretty good. Oh, and Bray_Dog, I really like that example! I was like, "OMG! That's so clever!" LOL!.

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Today B decided he'd go out with a girl named Sam, who is also a year younger than us, and extreamly annoying! Whitney broke up with B for some one else, and now he's all like, "Well she's going out with some one, why can't I?" and I'm sitting like two feet away thinking Ummm. . . . HELLO?!?!?!?! RIGHT HERE!!!!!!! HEY YOU!!!!! YEAH YOU!!!!! WHAT'S WRONG WITH YOU?!?!?!?!?! I was sooo mad! It's like seriously, I'm so crazy about him, and he says "No", but the next girl who asks him out get to be with him, when he doesn't seem to care about them, and they don't care about him. AGH!!!. And then it's like, when we're walking by eachother in the hall he says "Hi" and "Bye" to me, and when no one's in the classroom we're talking about homework and stuff. I'm so tired of this! I can't really take this anymore and I've decided it's probably time to let go, but if he decides that he want's to be with someone who actually cares, he knows were to find me.

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Yeah. . . . I mean, as a friend, it's all good. But then there that little piece of me thats like. . . . I need him. . . . And it's hard to let go, because I've been playing myself for so long. . . . I guess that's what happens, and I guess I'll manage.

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