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seriously sick, needing medicine

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This is my 2nd week with strep and pneumonia without any medicine.. I can't afford the doctors visit let alone a candy bar to enjoy the weekend. I'm at the stage where I can barely move right now and wondering if anyone knew of home remedy's. I have no health insurance, my parents kicked me out and dropped me off of it when I turned 18 (19 now) and the free clinics where I live are only available for Natives.... help please?

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Rest. Keep warm. Let fevers run their course, don't try and medicate them. If it gets to bad (pneumonia can kill you), call an ambulance and worry about paying later.


Side note: For goodness sake, what is wrong with the country you are in? Here in NZ, anyone (including tourists) could go to outpatients at any hospital... and while it might take a few hours to get seen - they will help you for free. What is this world coming too!

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Seriously, go to the emergency room. You cannot keep sitting around, doing nothing about it. It might get worse before it betters so please go. I knew someone that waited & waited for months and ended up in the hosiptal for a week with no insurance.

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If you haven't been to the doctors how do you know you have strep and pneumonia? Just wondering..


If you have either of them you need to see a doctor IMMEDIATELY as others have said, both can become deadly if you don't seek treatment. Go to your hospital, they HAVE to treat you regardless of if you have insurance or not. But you need something strong to kill off the infections.

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