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To women: Did you like sexual intercourse the first few times?


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No actually it did take a while, a lot more painful the 3rd time than the 1st (I wanted to faint, agh), since that's when my hymen had been broken. I think it was rather on the 6 th or 7th time that I started getting used to it and enjoy it.


In a way, that's exactly like when a new tooth comes out and at first it's painful, then takes a week or so and it gets adjusted.

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It defintely took a few times. And the problem was that we only had weekends to do it, so it took a while for me to adapt because there'd be 7 days in between trying, so it felt like the first time for MANY times.


It did pass though, there's no set # of times, it varies for each person.


But I don't know of many girls who found their first time ENJOYABLE. As in physically. Emotionally, it was amazing...physically..mm not even close.

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I felt a little pain and discomfort the first time, but I sort of went for it anyway because I was too curious to let it dissuade me. I also didn't bleed, so that may be a factor.


I feel like I kind of jumped right into it and didn't even pause to think that it was supposed to be a slow process to get into...I enjoyed it right away and still do.

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My first time was about a year ago. I still don't really enjoy it pleasure-wise. Vaginal sex just doesn't do anything for me yet. But I love to see how much he loves it, so I still look forward to doing it.


lol Our first time, I was sore and bleeding everywhere and he was sore because we had to stop (because of the bleeding). Afterwards we were both limping around for hours. It was hilarious.

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I got very lucky. My first time was with a much older man that I had been seeing for a long time. We started out just doing oral for the first year or so and I learned how to let my body enjoy the physical sensations. After a year of that, we had intercourse for the first time and I really enjoyed it. It hurt some and I bled a bit, but the physical sensations were recognizable as enjoyable. It didn't take long befor all systems were go! I have not always had good lovers and I couldn't enjoy sex with all the men. I guess because I was so spoiled early on, a man must be good in bed or I break up with him. The up side for the guys? I love sex an seldom say no. I really, truly enjoy it orally, intercourse, with toys, well, you get the idea. I am thankful I went with lust instead of love for my first. I know a lot of girls will say this is bad, but it allowed me to enjoy sex all these years and from what I read on here, that doesn't happen to every female.

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I am thankful I went with lust instead of love for my first. I know a lot of girls will say this is bad, but it allowed me to enjoy sex all these years and from what I read on here, that doesn't happen to every female.


yea, different points of view. I know that if I had done that and my parents knew it was lust only, boy they would have freak out and my father would have look at it as something not to be forgiven that I should regret, now that's sooo extreme, see their way of seeing it is doing it with someone you love and later on plan on getting marry. If you don't regret it then you don't.

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Yea, people is a world alright. As for me I was already in love way before I gave myself in. As to why I did it it was for both reasons, I would say it was 50/50 on love/lust. I was also curious and wanted to get that over with already. I'm still with him, lol.


i definitely just wanted to get it over with. no regrets tho.

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