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To women: Did you like sexual intercourse the first few times?


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When I took my gf's virginity, it didn't hurt. I think it was because she was a little older, and she didn't have much hymen left due lots of sports playing. But I would also like to think that my caring and skill had something to do with it as well. I made sure she was quite ready when we did it. We enjoyed ic then and have ever since.

In fact she jokingly said she missed out on the bleeding and drama that other girls have.

(Well, I'm a guy, but still) , I can't imagine it hurting the first 10 times.

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Sex with love is great, but it's not as hot as sex for lust. When you are in love, those feelings can kind of keep your mind off of business. When it's just physical attraction, your mind is on lust 100% and you can come easier. I love my bf, but I don't think of that when we are getting busy. I just want him physically. He loves that we are affectionat outside of the bedroom, but just down and dirty in bed. No kissing, no hugs, no soft words, none of that in bed. Just mind-blowing orgasms. We are affectionate when we are not having sex, however. He's the kind who comes up behind you and hugs you for no reason at all. He also pays attention to me when we are out in groups and, most important of all, asks my opinion on things all the time because he says he admires my smarts. He's a gem most of the time.

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The first few times were not great but very memorable. It hurt!

I couldn't be more thankful that I shared those first few times with someone I loved and someone who loved me in return. He still tells me, even though we've been broken up for a few months after 4 years of dating, that he will never ever regret giving himself to me because I was his first love. He has a part of me and I have a part of him. I wouldn't change that for anything although sex sure has gotten alot better since then.

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Or did it take awhile before you learned to enjoy it? If so, how long or how many times did it take to like penetration?


The first time i ever did it was a one nighter with someone i knew quite well and he thought he was a real stud LOL I had no idea what i was doing being a virgin, although he was 'experienced' he was hopeless


After him i found someone else and thoroughly enjoyed myself

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I got my own story of how I lost my virginity and it definitely was neither good the first time nor out of love, rather I wanted to get it over with so badly.


I was 4 months away to turning 19 and while most of my friends had already lost their virginity during their high school years I was the outcast. During that time I was going out with this old fashioned guy that believe in waiting till marriage. We were only casual dating, not a boyfriend and girlfriend relationship but it's been more than 2 months of me listening to that topic. Luckily he had an older brother who was into hooking up with many girls without getting in any relationship. I explained my situation to him and we end up doing it but even though he brought the towel, it was still a mess. It hurted so much and and blood came out. I was rather freaking out while the guy explained to me that it's natural and that the soreness will go away in about 2-3 days. It took me 5 more times to really enjoy it and then it was sometimes me having one night-stands or simply taking some guys' virginity.

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Yes it hurt, bled quite a bit too. Although my boyfriend was gentle and was so lovely about it all. The second time hurt a lot more, really badly actually-brought tears to my eyes. Like someone said earlier, we only had weekends really so it took a while... think 8/9 times before it feel good more than bad. He'd always look after me afterwards, help me fall asleep, or run me a bath or just cuddle me.


Emotionally though, i didn't regret it at all. It made us closer. And my boyfriend says he feels special to know that he's my only guy.

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