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Girls suck...can someone give me some advice?

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I need some serious advice here. Okay...let me start from the beginning..I've known this girl for 4 years (Highschool) and we have had some wonderful times together...but I don't think she's serious about anything. Latley it seems as though shes just using me, like im expendable or something. I'm seriously in love with her...and its killin me. I mean...when im around her...everything is good....I feel good....but when we fight (which is constantly) or when I see her with other guys.....It hurts like no other. The problem is that I can't just tell her how I feel. I don't know why...but I can't do it. Im really worried. I feel like I can't be happy when Im not around her. And now she wants to go to college together. I mean....I can deal with it here because of all my friends...but if I go to her college...then it will just be the same except no support from buds. If I stay away....she feels bad...and I feel bad for ignoring her....I cant just give her up cold turkey...but staying close hurts so much...Its no good...Any Advice?


mr. torn

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Well firstly babe, i think you really should tell her how you feel. And tell the girl your true thoughts on the situation, dont just get all stereotypical and tell her what you think is right for the situation. i mean, tell her everything. Maybe she'll realise how much you do care for her. The best scenario is that she'll have been waiting for years to hear you say such things, and by worst all she can say is she doesn't feel the same. But at least then everything is out in the open and you dont have to tear yourself up inside. Be honest, and save yourself the anguish.

Luvz, Jo*[/color]

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Im not really n expert on things like this , but in my own opinion... i would talk 2 her and tell her how u feel about her, She will understand and maybe something could work out with both of you's.. on the other hand, i would still go to collage with her because you are goin to meet loads of other girls there and maybe u will over come the feelings u have 4 her and move on to some1 else..

I hope i have helped u.

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Andy,Andy Andy. The women are right you should talk with her but be careful....women don't like whiners. Whiner=weak male. Simply tell her how you feel but try to put it in a positive light. I think she senses that you love her totally and she feeds off it, most women do. Andy take a deep breath and reduce your attention to her by about 60%, show her that you are a happy go lucky person with or with out her. Never let a woman know that she's the center of your universe or else your in No Man's Land.

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  • 1 month later...

It looks like by the time you read this, you may have already made your choice. However if you haven't, my advice is this:


If you've been in love with her for four years, and have spent lots of time with her (you probly have) and nothing has happened yet....than chances are that nothing should happen. You two are FRIENDS. Over the years, weather you know it or not, you have likely sent out dozens apon dozens of subtle gestures that you like/love her. It may be the way you look at her, your movements...whatever. You know what it is. No matter how subtle these gestures are, I guarantee that over four years she is going to pick up on them. If she wanted a relationship with you, she would have initiated something with you by now. Because she may not know that you are in love with her, but I'm sure that she's aware on some level that you WANT HER.


Don't waste your time pursuing what will just hurt you really bad. And let me tell you, I've been through this myself. It wasn't me that got hurt, but the guy (I'm a chick) that was in love with me did get hurt. I didn't mean to do it, but I just didn't feel the same way. We were friends for too long. It's been 6 years now, and I can still see the hurt in his eyes. We're still friends.


I hope you take my advice and get past it.

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  • 1 month later...

hiya andy. AAAARRRRGGGGHHHHHH...WILL PPL PLEASE STOP TELLING THESE POOR GUYS TO " TELL HER HOW YOU FEEL " !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! IT DOESN'T F UCKING WORK, YOU ST UPID BUNCH OF ABSOLUTE F UCKING P RICKS. Happyguy hit the head on the nail, whatever anyone says ! Women want a strong, confident male..not someone who walks around with tears in their eyes all day. You've spent too long trying to read this girl's mind..tell her to jump in your bed, or stop leading you on ! if she gives you a dirty look.... good, cos then you know she's a bitch with an attitude problem. if she was a nice girl she would see that when u were saying that ,it was part of your sparkling sense of humour. good luck bro, p.s PEOPLE PLEASE STOP TELLING GUYS TO "TELL HER HOW YOU FEEL" ,pretty please stop ruining their chances. i thankyou.

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