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South Beach Diet - all phases...let's loose that weight!!


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Thank you chasey! I look so thin on the mirror I almost cannot believe it. Compared to last year this time, I am so much thinner! I believe it's permanent too, since it's been a while now. I think it is a good idea to lose some then stop some, just trying to maintain t in it. Not like pigging out, but just not getting upset if loss stops for a while (because in my experience it does). So I dropped about 15 or so lbs during the summer and stood where I was for a while till I started SB. Now I will probably drop around 8 by the time Phase 1 is over, and follow Phase 2 as it is described. Adding fruit/bread one a day. And focus on the success of maintaining the weight rather than a rapid loss. If I can do that I will be very happy. And at the end of phase 1, I expect to be very close to the high end of my 'normal weight range' anyway. So after that most of my emphasis will be maintaining it, and figuring out where my ideal weight is exactly.


I am so happy with myself I feel great as it is. And I think I have really succeeded in changing my eating habits.

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That's awesome hike! The feeling good is such an important part of successful weight loss. That and really being able to change a person's way of eating for life.


I can't wait for fruit in phase 2. Especially this time of year, I love christmas oranges.

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Yeah - I used to love chocolate bars, now I prefer the odd good quality dark chocolate. Been that way since I did SB the first time.


That's interesting... I'm not a huge candy/chocolate/sweet person but I do like chocolate every once in a while. Now that we've been doing SB and "regular" chocolate is off the menu, but dark chocolate is okay in nibbles in Phase II, we purchased a dark chocolate bar. I used to hate dark chocolate, but oh it tastes so good now! It's like my taste-buds reset themselves. The dark chocolate used to taste bitter... now tastes as sweet as regular used to be!

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Hey guys

I was pretty much sick all weekend... I didn't stick to SB as I had no motivation. I was feeling like hell. I'm feeling better now so I'll continue with you guys. I gained back the weight I loss so I'm not sure if I should start over completely since I had more days off of SB than on it

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Sorry Mousty. Hope you feel better. The only time I cheated was the day I had 2 snack size candy bars! But they were laying out there in the lobby (a LOT of them) and I couldn't help it! Oh well.


I just microwaved a slice of turkey baloney an swiss cheese on top. It was pretty good. That was my breakfast. I think next time I'll add a slice of tomato on top. That's also gonna be my lunch since I have no time to prepare it, and I'd rather not eat out. Twice that and some lettuce is my lunch

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Good Morning!

So weighed myself today, should have known better and to wait a few more days, I'm only 1 lb down from my original weight

Yet I feel alot better and clothes are fitting better - can't quite figure than one out.


Lunch today will be a slice turkey breast, hard boiled egg and veggies. Snack either nuts or cheese string.

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Still kickin here... g/f has lost a total of 8lbs and I've lost almost 11lbs. We've been on SB for exactly a month. Weight has come off slower because we both were only about 10lbs (her) and 15lbs (me) overweight to begin with. So we automatically went into that stubborn last 10lb phase. LOL


We're starting to grow bored with our menu, but it's our own fault. No where near cheating or anything, but we need to crack open the SB recipe book and broaden our menu.

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Still kickin here... g/f has lost a total of 8lbs and I've lost almost 11lbs. We've been on SB for exactly a month. Weight has come off slower because we both were only about 10lbs (her) and 15lbs (me) overweight to begin with. So we automatically went into that stubborn last 10lb phase. LOL


We're starting to grow bored with our menu, but it's our own fault. No where near cheating or anything, but we need to crack open the SB recipe book and broaden our menu.



I know what you mean, I keep trying to figure out what kind of veggies to make for dinner every night.


I can't wait until monday - I can have some fruit!!!!

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Even though I cheated once, I really like phase 1. Now almost at the end of it, I feel wonderful. Healthier and thinner and I am so energized for some reason. I wonder if 2/3 weeks into phase 2 (or more), it would be wise to do 1 more week of phase 1? then go back to phase 2 again...


Any ideas?

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The thing about Phase I is it IS hard on your body so they only recommend two weeks at the beginning and that's it. It's tempting to keep that fast weight loss going but more than two weeks it's not healthy. It's good to transition your body into Phase II and it also teaches you exactly how many good carbs you can eat before your weight loss plateaus.

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Chasey might know more but to my knowledge there isn't set carb limits in Phases II and III. Phase II allows you to start reintroducing good carbs back into your diet and it's really up to YOU to figure out how much you can have each day while still keeping your weight loss going.


For example, now that I'm in Phase II I am eating a whole grain English Muffin in the morning for breakfast (a home-made Egg McMuffin), an apple at lunch and some strawberries for dessert. I'm still losing weight, but slower as I should. Now if I eat all of the above and ADD eating a serving of whole wheat pasta for dinner and I STOP losing weight, that means I basically have an idea about how many good carbs I can eat before my weight loss stops.


Phase III is basically your lifelong eating habits... knowing how many good carbs you can eat per day while maintaining your weight. If you want to lose a few more pounds or find yourself gaining again, then you remember back to Phase II and cut back on that serving of pasta.


Hope that makes sense.


Sugar... never again.

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Well technically, yes... but of course he states that it's okay to have brownies or cake or whatever "cheat" food we like as long as it's in moderation. And I think he implies "moderation" is once a week, not once a day. LOL My g/f and I plan on having a single cheat day once a week or so where we can have some junk food. I certainly don't plan on eating junk all day that day, but a serving of Cheetos for me and a piece of cake for her, are fine.

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I think Pixel has it exactly right here.


SB really tries to get us eating the right foods and in the right moderations. Getting us away from all the junk food and bad carbs, the foods our body doesn't process well and/or just doesn't need. Eating all the good carbs, fruits, veggies, low fat foods keeps our body working it's best, which makes us feel better and gives so much more energy.


That's my take on it.


I totally agree with the one day a week being cheat day and allowing yourself that piece of cake, cheetos, or whatever treat you like. I think if you totally say no never again to that stuff you will eventually break and really go overboard and eat the whole cake, so to speak.

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