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ugh. sometimes I REALLY miss travelling. I've been to a lot of places over my lifetime - all over the states, cuba, the keys, england, and about 2 years ago took my first excursion overseas on my own! well, "did europe" with my dad for 2 weeks, then backpacked/volunteered around israel/egypt for a few months on my own.


there are times, when I miss it SO much. Especially now that it's getting only colder and greyer outside, sometimes the mundane-ness (word?) of life just gets to me. Even though I'm in uni now, and life is pretty colourful - meeting lots of new friends, learning lots of stuff, my hands full with work, the freedom of rez, lots of crazy partying on the weekends, love life is.. well let's not get into that - but at the same time I feel like I can look at it from the opposite perspective. It's such a a routine - going to classes, doing the work, hanging out with this friend, getting smashed at this party, f*cking this random person, trying not to think about my ex..


I just miss the spontaneity of travel - how it's a complete other world. Even though it was only 2 years ago, I feel I've grown and changed a lot in the last couple years, and I would love to experience it again. Part of my core, (I blame it on my dad) just yearns for adventure. Even though I can be very calm and collected, logical and intellectual - part of me is completely spontaneous and reckless - loves meeting new people, cultures, taking risks, going on adventures, being dangerous, exploring.. etc.


and I just MISS IT!!!! stupid crappy grey toronto. I feel like I need to be in love or be travelling - the escape that comes with both. When you're in love you could be living in sh*t creek and you wouldn't care. But the one I'm in love with.. well that's compliucated and stupid. So I want to escape - I want this whole sh*t year to be wiped clean and I want to go see distant lands and be free and come back fresh and revived and ready to conquer the world.


Sometimes I feel great, but sometimes I feel like I'm barely hanging on..


sorry if that was long and ranty - o welll

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dogwood, what about getting a working holiday somewhere? That way you don't have to save up very much money and you can spend a longer time overseas?


you are from Canada so its very easy ( just apply online, and you get a one or two year visa overnight delivered to your inbox) to get a working holiday visa..




new Zealand


There are shorter term ones for France, Germany, South Africa Japan.


And , of course a million other opportunities for travel adn work overseas.


That way you don't ahve to save up as much, you can go away for longer, then you are working, so you have more money for travel once you are there!

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ha, i wish.. just started first year of uni so im not goin anywhere till maybe next summer - and even then - that is the only time id actually have to MAKE money let alone go anywhere.. im a big broke-ass student


but thanks for all the opportunity ideas yeah when i was in israel i volunteered on a kibbutz for a while which def saved me some money and was a great experience. there are tons of places I want to go, I'd go anywhere. so maybe in the summer... maybe..

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