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my soul aches with disappointment from so many things

and i am defenseless and alone in the dark

i try so hard to be like them

want without needing,

care without feeling,

give without expecting-

But I CAN'T.


reality still suffocates me

i still love through all the hurt and the lies

still hope to find someone different, though i know they're all the same


i'm dying to touch and be touched

hold and be held

but every inch of me is connected to an emotion

and in the end i feel more pain than pleasure


I HAVE NEVER FELT MORE ALONE, and i am drowning in myself.




anyone felt like this?

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Have I felt like that? Yes.


Do I often? Not anymore.


One of the things I realized long ago that helped, is to stop trying to be like them. Stop posing as something you are not. OK, the right clothes and hair, etc. can help. But acting like someone else will not help at all. Stop trying to act a certain way because it won't help people like you. Act like yourself an dbe happy in being yourself, and suddenly people will like you. It may sound weird, but it works.

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