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ok so last night was amazing, ( for those that dont know i met this girl at work earlier this week and stayed round hers in London last night )

we instantly got chatting like we'd known each other for years, went straight back to hers, i dropped my stuff off and headed out for dinner, went back to hers for abit to freshen up before going out for night, it was great and i spent some time with her friends as well, overall i had a really good time, but i was kinda unsure if it was a date in all honesty, after a few hours of being with her mates, it kinda felt like i was just one of em and we were having fun together, part of me just wanted to go off dancing around.. but i needed somewhere to sleep so couldn't really risk upsetting her lol.

up till going out and getting drunk i was really sure it was a sure thing, after that kinda went abit mellow.

anyway i got woken up at 6am coz she had work, she walked me to the station which is about 2 mins from her house, kissed me on the cheek and told me she had a really good time, sorry if she did anything embrassing etc, i tol d her i did as well and it would be really nice if we could do it again sometime, she agreed and i left.


so ive just got home , checked my emails and ... sods law, my ex has emailed me back, i need to go into that a bit first, about a year ago i met her in my town, she was really amazing but she was heading off to uni, the otherside of england to me, and we only spent about 2 months together before hand, but i felt an amazing connection to this girl and i still think about her all the time..

we ended up breaking up because i guess we both feel into a state of confussion about how to handle the long distance, i was really in love with her, and hurting i couldnt see her so much, so alot of things were said and done, and we ended up breaking up, with alot of means things said between the two. well i was gonna post on here about it, but in the end i emailed her, i made sure it wasnt scary and wingey but i basically explained to her i still think about her all the time, and to be honest i dont really know why, im gonna post her reply in a min. basically i dont know what to do, do i pursue my ex because i know i still love her, or does she just want to be friends, or do i take a chance with the new girl and put it down to drinking as the reason it got so mellow in the evening between us?

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i mean i really think more or her as a person, after getting that reply, we did say some horrible nasty stuff of each other, but thats a really mature and nice reply, i wasnt even expecting one at all, i guess i was hoping for something nasty so id be over her once and for all lol.

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It could mean she just wants to be friends or it could mean she's leaving the door open for more.


Now I wish I could take my own advice here but, "A bird in the hand is worth two in the bush."


I'm not being cold, just practical.


And about the dynamic at work here, does this mean that as soon as I have real interest in a new man my ex will contact me?

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yeah, i mean say everything goes well with both, and at the end i really like both, thats something i wouldnt want to happen, ive never cheated on anyone because ive always thought ahead and not even but myself in the opertunity to cheat, i know when im drunk i will go out and end up pulling someone if im the mood, so when im with someone i wont allow myself to get that drunk etc.

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Does it change anything? I mean, istn't she still on the other side of the country?


I say stick with the certain thing you've got.


true, shes still up there. finishes next year, but im thinking of making some career choices that would leave both options long distances. and even so other girl is in London, 1 hour train from me. either one would take alot of effort but im willing.


also London girl isn't a sure thing yet ..

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If your ex was back in town I might recommend to try it out with her. But she's still far away. When you get back together in your ex you need to work on the things that split you up in the first place. Distance is one thing that just can't be worked on. I'm speaking from experience here man

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