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WOW! Time really does heal!!

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Hello to all my friends here @ enotalone!


I want to say that I've been doing very well now w/my dealings in life and with the ex. I don't speak or think about her anymore. I met a wonderful gal from this website and we've been talking for almost 2 months and have really hit it off. Though, she does live accross the country from me? She has still been there for me as a very good friend and now we're trying to make plans to get together and meet. She calls every night and has sent me many pics and is the cuttest little thing I've ever seen and her spanish accent makes me crazy! (weakness for latinas) She was very hurt and posted here a few times and sent me PM's. We shared our pain and helped each other heal. She's my great friend and who knows, maybe someday she'll be my best love? We're going very slow and being very cautious. But she's really digging me! Who could resist my charm, wit, and looks? HAHAHA!! You'll all just have to believe me on that one!


I just interviewed for a job today and got it! They want me to start on Monday. It's back to accounting for me though I'm studying law. But the $$$$ is in accounting for me right now due to my experience. Things are really picking up! Great job w/great pay!


I just want to say thank you to everyone who has listened to my venting and rambling posts in the past. I hated hearing everyone here and my friends say, "Time will heal all wounds", but let me tell you.....It's TRUE! I stand here now and could care less about what my ex thinks of me, says to me or what she is doing with her life. I've been very stingy, only focussing on myself and getting my life in order


I still miss my ex and always will. How can you not when you spent nearly 5 years together? But now I only wish the best for her and have let go of hate and have forgiven her and myself. I won't lie, it still hurts occasionally, but it gets better people!!


Please believe me and everyone when they say...NO CONTACT and TIME HEALS!! Living proof! Look back at my previous posts to see what a train wreck I was. Go ahead, check my profile and check my first post! CRAZY!


Thanks and praise to all of you who have helped and have been there for me through these times. And BRAVO to the moderators! What wonderful and intelligent advice I always see!!


Please be safe and well my friends!

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Thanks Avman! You've always been one of my biggest supporters since the beginning!! I really appreciate everything you and The Morrigan, Swingfox and everyone has done to help me.


Things are looking up and can only go up from here!!


Now I feel I can actually help other people here @ enotalone. That, in it's self, helps me feel better.


Have a great weekend and have a few cold ones for me. I can't have any this weekend due to my probation and substance abuse classes from my arrest back when I first posted. Finally will be done with this and charge dismissed!!


Anyway thank you again for everything. You always reply to my posts and it means a lot brother!

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hey destructoboy


perhaps its time you should change your nick to "now i am happy-boy". after reading your post, it has given me encouragment that i'll also be where you are with TIME. i'm still trying to cope (its only been 3 weeks, how long did you take to get where you are??) but i know i WILL get there with time.


i wish you all the happiness, joy and love your 2 hands can ever hold and good luck with your new friend!



chupa chup =D>

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I must say...I am impressed by the way you have found a possible new love? You sound so happy and possitive about life. I have read a few of your first posts...and it is amazing on how you have gone up the ladder. Time does heal...I am also a living prove. It is happening slowly, but it's happening. I have a feeling that this girl you've met...might be the one for you . You fight for what you want...and make her and yourself happy. But remember....both of you are still healing so..take it one step at a time. Things will go just fine. I am so proud of you.


keep doing well...and i wish you the best of the best!






P.S Congrats on getting the job!!!!

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It' is REALLY good to see you've made it so far and come such a long way - make sure you give yourself credit for not giving up on yourself even if other people around you start taking it for granted!!


And yeah, knowing what you've been through can help someone else by offering them a glimmer of light at the end of the tunnel is something else positive to come away with, and something else that can give meaning to the worst times.

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Hey pal,


Its great to hear tha tyour feeling much better, i remember some of your first posts and man i'm so glad you are feeling they way you do now. What a transfermation! I will always remember you when i still get those moments i have and how you can over come anything as long as you believe. Good luck with your new friend!

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