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Feeling betrayed....

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I only meant to to consider what you're options are at this point, visitation, assets, that sort of thing. I hear that you have a lot to give up, but, this situation is running on her timetable, not yours. If you come home one day and she (and possibly the kids) are gone, then it may be too late and she may have you over a barrel. There's no harm in finding out where you stand from a legal standppoint just in case.

As for the kids, remember that by simply staying in a bad relationship doesn't equate to happy children. In quite a few cases it means just the opposite as they suffer from the anger and frustration of their parents. Keep your head up and your eyes open.

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It's a start. Perception is a funny thing sometimes, a seemingly innocent event can start an almost cataclysmic reaction in people where because of something relatively innocuos (sp), they feel as if they have been horribly wronged. Sometimes these feelings can lead to disasterous actions and some permanent consequences. I'm not going to get into who's right and who's wrong, but counseling can indeed get things set out right and put some perspective on things. For whatever reason your wife feels wronged and counseling should thresh out what that may be, Kudos for hanging in there.

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