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waiting for proposal


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Well, you have a career "awaiting" you so that means you're not in it yet? And he's still in school... I would just work on the career and saving money and everything and he's still in school, that needs to finish first, its incredibly important and he's only got a year. If he's saying 2 years that definitely makes sense... what kind of ring is he supposed to be able to afford going to school and not even in a career? How would you even afford the wedding with you only just getting into your career and he's not even working full time in his career yet, you know? And then living together, do you want to struggle or live comfortably together? It's love but it's money too, it can't just happen only because you two have been together a while.

I wouldn't get promise rings as others have mentioned... I don't know, that's just my opinion but I think promise rings are a bit cheap. If you're going to promise to be together well... that's what an engagement ring is and marriage and everything. But that doesn't mean you NEED that to be the ones for eachother either especially.

I would just work on getting into your career and save-- perfect thing you can do while you wait, it's the smartest.

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