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Reaching a turning point, I think.

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The ex called me Friday morning on her way to work. (I really hate it when she does this. She doesnt drive that well to begin with.) I don't mention it, and have a short cordial talk about how bad things are and Im hurt. She apologizes as well.


Yesterday I was a wreck. This morning i woke up and realized I shouldnt be grieving her. I walked up to the cornerstore for some OJ and a gorgeous woman gave me sort of a flirtatous smile. I smiled back and just kept walking up to the store. I figure, if this chick is checking me out in the morning on little sleep, unshaven, sweat pants and a old t-shirt, I really am not doing that bad altogether.


I am going to heal from this, work out some childhood stuff (a small issue in our relationship) Continue getting closer to my mother, find a job I like again, meet a bunch of hot women, find a good one, and hopefully do better the next time.


I have a close friend from Canada visiting me next week. We are going hiking in the Cascades. We are going to the Pirate festival in Portland. We will have fun, I will get laid. I shouldnt be complaining all that much.


Now off to burn one and play guitar all day.

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