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World Suicide Prevention Day


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World Suicide Prevention Day - September 10th

To all members.


We would like your help. Our community here at eNotalone has been touched in the past by suicide and we expect some of our members will in the future reach a point of desperation in their lives and will come here for support and advice.


To mark World Suicide Day, we thought we would give our members the opportunity to help build a support resource for those at a desperate place in their lives. Our idea is to ask you, our members, to contribute your own personal experiences with suicide and the impact it has had on your lives and the lives of your friends and families.


W e ask that you PM your story to a moderator or administrator of your choice. The moderating and administration team will then pull all the contributions together and post it as a perpetual thread to be used as a resource for members in desperate situations to refer to. Anonymity can be maintained if you prefer, please indicate in your PM if that is what you wish.


We hope that this resource will be used by members who come here in desperation to gain an understanding of the devastating impact and finality of suicide.


To assist you to gather your thoughts, here are some guidelines provided by Lifeline,


Things to Consider


The thoughts and feelings that made you feel suicidal. How long did they last?


Maybe mention the turning points in your story: what helped you decide to live? Was there a person, situation, or idea that made the difference?


Feel free to remind members that the suicide is preventable and that help is available.



Try to Avoid


Please do not include detailed descriptions of the suicide methods because others might try to imitate it.


Try not to encourage people to use alcohol or street drugs as way to cope, because many people get addicted and end up with even more problems to deal with.


Be sure not to use last names, specific names of mental health providers, agencies, health services, or medication brand names when telling your story.


Now it may be that you wish to share your own personal battle with suicide or it may be you would like to tell the story of someone close to you. Either way, please do consider the guidelines above.


Remember, the purpose of this thread is to help others understand that they are not alone in their thoughts, that others have been through this and come out the other side or to gain an understanding of the true impact of suicide for those loved ones left behind.


We really hope that you can contribute to what we think is a really worthwhile project.


If you have any questions, please feel free to ask and thank you in advance for your contribution.

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When I was 19, my boyfriend committed suicide. It forever changed my life.


For those of you who think that suicide is the answer, rest assured, it's not. The effects are far reaching. It doesn't just "affect you". It DESTROYS the ones who love you and it changes their lives forever. Not just for a day, or a month or a year. FOREVER. They will never get over it. Never heal. Time does not heal this wound. It just changes it.


Please consider the people you love before EVER taking your own life.



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Too close to Sept 11...they should move it to some other month.


The thing is not everyone here is American, and Sept 11, does not hold a huge significance to them as it would to Americans.


I agree with Victoria. I don't know who decided on this month and this date, specifically, I don't know whether it was just arbitrary or has some significance that I have yet to discover in the literature...but apparently, from what I gather online (correct me if I'm wrong, Mods), this is "sponsored" by IASP (International Association for Suicide Prevention), which is affiliated with the WHO (World Health Organization), and as such, the American tragedy of September 11th should not factor into any sort of decision about suicide awareness. The scope and impact of suicide WORLDWIDE is the issue here, and personally, I think any day is as good as any other to recognize it.


I'd also like to ask...when is this thread to be posted? Is there any timetable as of yet? Or will you be taking entries for some time yet?

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On a more personal note...


I'm not sure if what I went through classifies exactly as an "attempt" either, but rather more a last-ditch cry for help. I do know what it's like to really, really, REALLY want to die, to the point of making a plan and starting in with it. I also was engaging in behavior that was so self-destructive, I believe it was a slow form of suicide, which led up to this situation where I was more actively entering upon an attempt. I think deep down, I was so afraid of what was happening, because I was truly out of control, I unconsciously wanted someone to stop me, to intevene. And that's what happened. But it did land me in a hospital, not just that night but for a couple of weeks as an inpatient. I went voluntarily, but I did so knowing that I was a threat to myself.


So I don't know if this is close enough to a story about my own suicide "attempt", but it is surely a story about suicidality, suicidal ideation and the precipice between life and death I faced. I would call it a very, very close brush. And I believe had I not had some realizations, it might have finished me off.


So I don't know if this fits the criteria exactly...but I have told this story in bits and pieces throughout my time on ENA, in various forums, including Suicide. Maybe someone will get something out of it...

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I'd also like to ask...when is this thread to be posted? Is there any timetable as of yet?


We have been PMd about 10 stories and I will be putting them together in the next day or two. The thread will then be stickied to the top of the suicide forum as a reference for people who may come here contemplating suicide.


It can certainly be added to and maybe around this time each year we will run a notice asking for people to share their experiences.


Re. the origins of Suicide Prevention Day, you are better researched than I am and I am not sure if the date was selected pre of post 9/11.

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The thing is not everyone here is American, and Sept 11, does not hold a huge significance to them as it would to Americans.


i know this may just hit a little bit harder on me because my brother was a victim, but i just want to say that what happened on september 11th was a complete tragedy. Despite you location or your distance from the united states, the events that happened on that day were completely horrific, and though they may not mean that much to you, i think that it is something that should be recognized in the least, because our world has proved something of the sort could happen anywhere, anytime.


sorry if that was a bit bitter

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anybody in specific kill themselves on here?


I do believe I read a post saying good bye to a member a few months back. So yes, members of ENA have committed suicide.


I lost my sister, somedays it's ok...somedays I see a picture, a letter or just think of her and I break apart. It is not easy being the one left behind.

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i know this may just hit a little bit harder on me because my brother was a victim, but i just want to say that what happened on september 11th was a complete tragedy. Despite you location or your distance from the united states, the events that happened on that day were completely horrific, and though they may not mean that much to you, i think that it is something that should be recognized in the least, because our world has proved something of the sort could happen anywhere, anytime.


sorry if that was a bit bitter


Maybe this is just as well to be close in dates, if we could all see it as a reminder to amplify the tragic nature of all lose, death in any circumstance is hard enough on those left behind, but death where it didn't need to be, screams of injustous in all circumstances.


Maybe if those suffering with emotional pain understood the pain of those left behind after 9/11, maybe they could stop just for a minute and pause ....


That would be good.

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i know this may just hit a little bit harder on me because my brother was a victim, but i just want to say that what happened on september 11th was a complete tragedy. Despite you location or your distance from the united states, the events that happened on that day were completely horrific, and though they may not mean that much to you, i think that it is something that should be recognized in the least, because our world has proved something of the sort could happen anywhere, anytime.


sorry if that was a bit bitter


Yes, I realize that it was hugely tragic and millions of people were affected. I was myself. I know people that died that day too. What I was trying to get accross is that it is an INTERNATIONAL board.

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