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What should I do/say?Anything?


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Just need some other people to give me their take on this situation. My ex scheduled an appt. for our oldest son with a psychiatrist for tomorrow. I have yet to be informed about this appt. by my ex. I only know because I received all the paperwork in the mail about 3 weeks ago (which tells you how long it has been scheduled).


A little background-son sees a psychologist for anger issues and ADHD. As of this past April he was put on medication for the ADHD as he was basically failing the 8th grade. This does not go over well with his father who states repeatedly to the child "You don't have ADHD" and does not give him his medication as directed (even though it is spelled out in the court documents that he is to give it as directed).


I don't really have a problem with my son seeing someone else or being tested-if that is what is going to happen-I have seen a tremendous difference since the medication! I have my child back and he is improved in the fact he will now complete most of his homework without my badgering him all night long. I do feel that any test given will only strengthen the fact that he has ADHD and we are working on managing the day to day life.


I have a BIG problem with not being informed, I am the one with primary physical custody. His appointment is tomorrow-I have had to take off work (not an easy thing to accomplish) and I am trying NOT to over-react. Any suggestions when I see this man face to face? Do I have a right to be upset that he has done this?

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I have a BIG problem with not being informed



that says it all .........I would have the exact same problem


Well you might want to start by saying ....Why did you not inform me ..and then listen. More then likely he might even blame it on you ....its called switching and blaming .........101 defense / class / ..........


You were informed ......by mail ......and not by him .......you'll know tomorrow ...


good luck

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I have no issue with him getting a second opinion. Although it seems to me to be another case of putting the children smack in the middle of the divorce. Guess I really don't understand the entire not putting your children first concept.


I have spent the past 2 weeks trying to get all his medical records and therapy notes faxed over so that this Dr has the background information and won't simply be going on the word of a man who doesn't spend the work time with his children just the fun times.


I don't think he realizes they sent the insurance paperwork to me. I'm actually hoping to surprise him at this appointment. I think the other issue is the last time I was in court I was basically reamed by the judge and the GAL because I only gave 2 days advance notice of the 1st appt. But the office moved the appt up by over 10 days so I let him know as soon as I got the call.


Just so frustrated and tired of dealing. And completely unsure how the ex has tried to prep for this appt. I simply want my child to have success in school and in life and if he needs medication at this point to achieve that WHY would I fight it?

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