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ok, so I miss her today and want to talk to her so bad. I want her back. I miss her terribly and just sit here and cry. It wasnt supposed to be this way. I so want to break NC, but im trying as hard as I can not to.




Sundays are always hard for me....be strong! Take a walk, call a friend, find something to do. Dont break no NC. I felt the same way earlier and I talked to an old friend, that went through a break up last year...it helped alot. Not to mention hes HOT and were both single a the same time. BREATH AND SMILE!!


Hang in there!

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she cheated on me. But today I just f***ing miss her. her smell, they way she used to nuzzle my neck and tell me she adored me. I want that back so much.


She cheated.....then you NEED to stay strong. In my opinion that is the worst kind of betrayal. I know how hard it is and that you miss her but you know you deserve better than be treat like that. Its normal to feel all these things, the mind has a cruel way of remembering all the good times in situations like this. Keep remembering that she hurt and betrayed you, thats HER fault not yours. Even if you did break NC and got back with her would you ever be able to trust her again? I think not, nor should you.


I can encourage you to be strong but you need to be strong for yourself here. Dont settle for someone that treats you like that because your feeling low at the moment.


Remember that you have posted on here at times feeling better, today has just been a bad day, stay strong, tomorrow is another day and you may well feel much better. Youve come this far............

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I just cant fathom that she is gone. I feel so empty, and I just miss her so much.


Darlin, we HAVE to accept it.


Agree with another poster that we had heard you braver and stronger .. tis just a weak moment or day. We will all have them. Stay strong and I'm sorry you are hurting.


Trust that it will pass again and you will have strong times again.

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Dude, for me it's been five months, though my situation is a little different.




She was best friend, and we used to talk everyday. Now .. NOTHING.


Right now, I oscillate between missing her, forgiving her, and being really PISSED at her.


I tear up over her maybe twice a week. I am so SICK of feeling this way. I want to forget her. I will NOT break NC. I mean, let's put it this way: it doesn't look like she is missing ME, so why the hell am I missing her?


But, I do .. sometimes. It's all about filling your time. You will probably have to change your life completely in order to move on. I just got layed off work, and it is a blessing because I see her "ghost" everywhere. I am tired of it, and I am tired of crying and getting mad.


Yikes .. that was way too easy .. sorry about that ... OK, we are all in the same boat. Did not mean to hijack. Sigh - wotta a life, yes? Hell, you had something tangible. All I am left with is "what the the happened?"


Time to fill my iPod shuffle will all those self-heal audio books and start listening .. again ...

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it terrifies me that ill never feel that love again.


i hear ya man. i have that fear too, but the chances are quite high that you will indeed find someone and fall in great love again.


it just takes time, time, time.


i miss all the good, cant remember the bad, i love her, i hate her....


it doesnt even matter, you've just got to move on.


be strong.

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I feel you, exploding head. It really sucks that you feel that way even though your logical mind tells you that you did the right thing.


My ex cheated on me, yet it gets harder some days. The pain just creeps up and the loneliness sinks in. You start having doubts about the future.


Well, if it helps any, I got to hang out with a lot of beautiful women this weekend. It took my mind off things temporarily. I know it will take a while to get better, so I'm taking it one day at a time.


I've got some travels planned. You should probably do the same. Force yourself into a place with so much stimuli, you even have time to think about her.

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it terrifies me that ill never feel that love again.


You WILL love again- the love you had with your ex is gone and that is down to her mistake but you will find love again and whos to say it will not be even better next time or in the future, it will happen for you. Remember that by being strong now you are giving yourself the chance to feel amazing and true love one day, not the love that cheats. Hang in there x

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Oh man... While I can't say what you did is better than calling your ex, please don't try to cope using drugs. You'll just get paranoid, anyways.


Do you work out? Maybe you can go for a run or a swim? Lift some weights to some really angry music and get pumped up. The endorphins help. Get out with some friends and spend a few weeks socializing like crazy. It has really helped me, in more than one way. I've increased my visibility, friends are there for me and this makes me feel good, and although I've been barhopping a lot, it's increasing my social skill tenfold. I forgot about how good it felt to be able to go out and be available.

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I agree with Takotsubo. Not the answer to use drugs but I understand why you did it. Anything to numb the pain. Right?


Are you sleeping at all? I find it really difficult.


If you can try getting away for a while. It helps to clear the head. When I'm really down I take myself off. 4 walls can do more harm than good.



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