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Worst break up moments ever..

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I've had two but they don't come close to the worst ever because I -know- other people have had it much much worse. One of the exes broke up with me at 5AM telling me he wanted another woman's son to be his. And then he proceeded to literally run away with her. The heartbreaking thing about my most current was he broke up with me 5 days before we were supposed to go on a romantic trip he had planned for my birthday. 3 I liken the situation as something less severe but kind of like having to cancel all your wedding plans and tell them you won't be needing their services anymore, which I had to explain as we were going to stay in the honeymoon suite because it was going to be that awesome.

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My ex of 2 years, told me 4 days before he was going that he was going to thailand for 3 weeks, he got there and we had a fall out while he was there so he dumped me and told me he was staying on for another 2 weeks, i sent an email to tell him to be sure what he wants cos if he stays there another 2 weeks out of spite then i wouldn be here for him when he got back, he went ahead and changed his flight so was out there for 5 weeks, towards the end of his hol he began to try and get me back, i refused. When he came back he tried for another 2 weeks to get me back, thats still ongoing but i refuse to allow him to treat me that way, i deserve better. I also should add that he was emotionally abusive even before the hol xx

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My ex told me that she wanted to give herself to me forever after the first 2 weeks together (was a whirlwind 2 weeks, for the record.). I was hesitant to commit so soon, told her so, she cried, I felt bad, I chose to love her. Fast forward 2 months. I'm now completely, honestly in love with her (always understood that love, first and foremost, is a choice). We're making marriage plans, looking at rings, etc. She goes to Florida for 2.5 weeks to visit family. Grows distant the last few days, comes home, and tells me in the car on the way back from the airport that she never loved me. She just wanted me to have someone in my life I could count on forever, because she thought that was what I wanted. She never loved me for herself. She says she considers me her best friend, but it's been over a week since the break up and she hasn't called me to even see how I'm doing. WT freakin F?


She was my first real love, too. That's what I get for rushing into something against my better judgment. Oh, and while we're on the topic of better judgment, it serves me right for getting involved with someone beginning the process of divorce (in all fairness, she shouldn't have been out trying to meet guys at all.)

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I split up with my ex a year and a half ago... we'd been together 7 years and had just had an offer accepted on a house we were going to buy... she then starts having an affair with a friend of ours and keeps this going behind my back for the next 2 months before I find out and she leaves me for this guy... that sucked. Having said that my sister had been through worse... she'd been with her bf 9 years and 3 months after they'd had a kid together he ran off with his 'lesbian' secretary - if it hadn't happened to my sister I would of said it would of made a great soap opera plot. Still, she ended up meeting someone far better and last year they got married so it all worked out alright in the end.

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1st girlfriend was my high school sweet heart who "dear Johned" me when I was in basic training with the Air Force. I eventually made it to a pay phone and found out that she was seeing someone else. I destroyed the payphone. Made the rest of basic training a mess, to say the least. Saw her about 6 years later and she was married to a redneck, had 4 kids, and was miserable. She was all over me and wanted to have a fling but I told her to basically bugger off. Dodged a bullet on that one.


2nd girlfriend was a workaholic. After 7 years she packed her stuff and left without a word while I was at work. I came home to an empty house. I had seen it coming and was ecstatic for 3 days. After 3 days it hit me that I missed her. When I eventually contacted her to try and work things out she told me that when she left she had said in her mind that if I do not try and win her back within 3 days then it was over. How ironic was that? I owned an industrial roofing business and I remember working by myself one day on top of a car dealership. I ended up sitting down on a bucket of tar and just sat there for hours. It started raining and after about an hour of being rained on I lost it and started throwing buckets, shovels, and equipment all over the place. When I came down off the roof I had to go through a utility closet ladder which led to an office. I walked in the office, soaking wet, covered in tar, and there was the owner of the dealership with all the local managers staring at me. They had heard the whole shibang. I was so embarrassed. She is now married, working the same job, has a kid, and has really let herself go. She is so horribly ugly that I can barely stand to look at her. Dodged a bullet on that one, too.


3rd girlfriend was an alcoholic. We were together about 8 years. She went to a high school graduation party of a kid down the street. She turned her cell phone off at around 11pm and did not show up to the house until 5am the next morning drunk off her butt. She had our daughter with her and I questioned her and found out that she had been with three guys all night while the daughter slept in the car. I found a number in her purse from one of the guys, called him up and left a nasty voicemail, packed my stuff and left. She married a guy a few months later that she had met off the interent who is an alcoholic as well. They live in a shack up north. Dodged a bullet there as well.


Fourth girlfriend was bipolar. I met her a week after my last breakup. We had a fiery relationship. She begged me for months to get her out of her mother's house. I eventually bought another house and we moved in together. In about a years time, she probably broke up with me every week or so and moved back in with her mother only to come crawling back a few days later. After about 20 times of this oh so crazy yo-yo activity, I said "screw it", sold my house and moved out of state to get away from her but not before I had sex with her and told her new boyfriend about it. She still contacts me a few times a week and wants to work things out. I am currently trying to dodge that bullet 'cause she is baaaaaaaad news.


My current ex, and fifth girlfriend, was a religious fanatic. I met her while "taking a break" from relationships. I was messing around with a few girls in the new area I had moved to. I met her and we both expressed that we did not want anything serious right off the bat. Plus, we seemed totally opposite of each other. She was a goody two shoes christian and I was a long haired party animal. We started going out and within a month we were head over heals for each other and totally exlusive. Surprisingly to both of us, we clicked with each other like no one we had ever dated before. When we met she was a year and a half out of a divorce which, at the time, I thought was plenty of time to be over someone. I had never even thought about marriage before but I was smitten with this girl. We got engaged and she was excited about being with me and helping me raise my son - she loves children but does not want any of her own because she is scared of getting fat


I have now gone three months without a girlfriend and that is the longest I have gone without a relationship since I was old enough to date. I swear this time that I am going to make it at least a year before I get involved with anyone else and, as my track record so glaringly exposes, I am going to have much higher standards.

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I got a text message on valentines day from my husband. We had gone out to dinner earlier and then I was exhausted (and pregnant) so I went home early while he stayed out with friends. The text read "You have no idea what you do to me. I laugh and cry, I smile and pout." I responded, "what?" He wrote, "No, I can't do this anymore... I have to tell her" and I knew that he thought he was writing to his girlfriend. the one he was supposed to have stopped seeing. The one he changed his cell phone number in order to avoid. So I wrote, "You're writing this to the wrong woman". he still didn't get it. he wrote, "I wish I could be with you tonight" I wrote "This is C!!! Your f***ing WIFE!!!". I think THAT was the worst...

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I only had one really serious break up, and the only really hurtful thing I remember is telling him I loved him, then him responding along the lines of, "Aw, thanks, but I don't feel like I'm in love, I mean, I love spending time with you, but I just don't feel like I'm in love." Break up occurs days later, I go back to his dorm to pick up some stuff a couple weeks after (a week before I sent him a really heartfelt email about how he broke my heart and how I wanted things to work out and give it a second chance), and while I was sobbing there in his room his response to that email was, I dunno. Right there in my face. And he wasn't even fazed that I was just there pouring my heart and eyes out. Talk about humiliating.

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After letting me down the night before on meeting up, my boyfriend picked me up to go over to his house to stay the night. He then proceeded to tell me in the car that he didnt love me anymore and said it with such aggression. I was so shocked and hurt. I couldnt understand why he was telling me that on the way to his house.


I was in pieces when I got to his house, then we argued. It was over. He then refused to take me home and the trains were no longer running, so I had to stay at his house the night in the same bed. Was the most hurtful night of my life. Had to get up in the morning and go home on the train just crying.


I never contacted him again and spent two months indoors crying my eyes out until I was over him.


However, we then went on to become friends, though not close, and he now has a lot of respect for me.

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I dated a guy for 6 months once, and when things started to cool off and I was hanging out with my friends more again he got crazy. One day I had a couple of friends over and I was trying to make margaritas when the phone rang so a male friend answered it, but the person just hung up.


An hour later he was at my house, raging mad. I went outside and he started calling me all kinds of horrible names. Said I was a cheating C-word and a bunch of other choice names. Some of my neighbors were outside working on their yards, so it was a real show. He started walking toward me and I all of a sudden got the giggles. My friends were waiting inside in case I needed some help. The laughing evidently sent him almost over the edge because he turned beet red like he had steam getting ready to come out of his ears, and the friend he brought with him dragged him off to the car to leave.


Two days later he was sitting on my porch crying one morning when I went downstairs to make coffee. I ignored him but he kept coming back. A few days later I was sitting on my porch swing and his car pulled up. He got out of the car crying all over the place and apologizing...when it was all over he hugged me "one last time sob sob sob" and then said "don't you have anything to say to me?" The first thing that popped into my head was "yeah, you got snot on my shirt". I don't know why but that's what I said.


I saw him a couple times out at clubs over the years after that but he never spoke to me again. That was a pretty ugly breakup and all over a male platonic family friend who answered my phone.

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After a 4 year relationship I got the following lines:


"I love you but not the same way you love me"

"I don't want a serious relationship right now"


A few days before that he told me he loved me and wanted to be with me forever, how messed up is that......

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I got a text message on valentines day from my husband. We had gone out to dinner earlier and then I was exhausted (and pregnant) so I went home early while he stayed out with friends. The text read "You have no idea what you do to me. I laugh and cry, I smile and pout." I responded, "what?" He wrote, "No, I can't do this anymore... I have to tell her" and I knew that he thought he was writing to his girlfriend. the one he was supposed to have stopped seeing. The one he changed his cell phone number in order to avoid. So I wrote, "You're writing this to the wrong woman". he still didn't get it. he wrote, "I wish I could be with you tonight" I wrote "This is C!!! Your f***ing WIFE!!!". I think THAT was the worst...


The look on his face must have been priceless!!!!

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After 7 years together and in a 2-year engagement that was almost completely initiated and conceived of by my Ex (she had wanted to get engaged soooo badly) and a few months prior to the wedding, which she had been gung-ho about planning and would get quite upset that I wasn't excited enough about the wedding (I was excited about marrying her, she was excited about the event, it seems), she tells me that she's not sure if she wants to be with me for the rest of her life, that I have some things that I need to work on: "You're not outgoing enough" "Maybe if you were more fun".


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He was moving away to study, begged me to stay with him, so i did because we were "so in love"...2 months later he accuses me of reading his e-mails (even though it turned out to be his best friend!!) and dumped me.....via text!! spineless.....so i proceeded to ignore him until he constantly started to text me last week saying he missed me and hoped i wasn't over him because he wants me back. 2 days later he says he wants nothing to do with me...boy he broke my heart twice!!!!!!!!!!!

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