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Should I contact this guy or would I creep him out?


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I was skimming through job ads on craigslist, and I was on the animal-related jobs section when I came upon an ad with a picture of a guy that really caught my attention. I opened it and it had a profile and 2 more pictures of him. He's basically offering to walk and run with your dogs and get them into shape, etc. I read the short background on him and looking at his pictures I now have a crush on him lol!! He's athletic, likes dogs, is good-looking, what more can I ask for If I had a dog I would totally call him up and use my dog as an excuse lol, but I don't. He obviously put his number on the ad and I am soo tempted to call him, but that would be wrong, not to mention creepy, right? If only I had a dog

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Is he charging for his services? I wouldn't let my stranger run off with my dogs... Some people sell steal dogs and sell them to research labs.


But since you don't have a dog, not a problem. But problematic since he isn't asking for a date... could be married or have a girlfriend.


If he has an email address, you could ask him if he wants to jog with YOU rather than a dog.... can't hurt.

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Is he charging for his services? I wouldn't let my stranger run off with my dogs... Some people sell steal dogs and sell them to research labs.


But since you don't have a dog, not a problem. But problematic since he isn't asking for a date... could be married or have a girlfriend.


If he has an email address, you could ask him if he wants to jog with YOU rather than a dog.... can't hurt.


Yes, he is charging for the service, and he looks very reliable. I don't think he's the type to steal dogs. You're right, the problem is that this isn't a dating site and he isn't asking for a date, he might already have a girlfriend. He doesn't put down an email address, only his number, but if you respond directly through the ad it'll go straight to his email. I'd rather do that if anything at all, I wouldn't want to creep him out.

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hmmm...... intriguing! like a previous poster suggested, you can try contacting him and saying you don't have a dog, but you are looking for a jogging partner and include a bit about yourself and a photo, or offer a photo if he wants one.


just an idea.....

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hmmm...... intriguing! like a previous poster suggested, you can try contacting him and saying you don't have a dog, but you are looking for a jogging partner and include a bit about yourself and a photo, or offer a photo if he wants one.


just an idea.....


GREAT idea! I'm going for it.

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haha You could always do the king of queen thing.. pay him to walk you?


they paid a dog walker to walk their dad it was pretty funny


sorry this post was completely useless.


That's hilarious! Imagine me writing to him, "Hey I don't have a dog, but I'll pay you for your services if you walk me instead ."

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Dogs are great!


Get a dog and get a guy...thats called killing two birds with one stone, which is a mean saying when you think about it but the point is you accomplish two good things.


Getting a dog is too difficult, but maybe I can rent a dog?

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Rent-a-pup!?!? That probably doesn't exist, but it's an ingenious business idea!!!


But yah, some guys like getting quirky responses from people, so as long as your not pushy sounding or obsessive sounding. Try making it sound like if he's laughing your laughing as well, so if he doesn't think it's a good idea, he'll think it's funny but not creepy.

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Rent-a-pup!?!? That probably doesn't exist, but it's an ingenious business idea!!!


But yah, some guys like getting quirky responses from people, so as long as your not pushy sounding or obsessive sounding. Try making it sound like if he's laughing your laughing as well, so if he doesn't think it's a good idea, he'll think it's funny but not creepy.


Agreed, keep the email light-hearted, and even if he is taken, he'll most likely think it's cute and be flattered. What's the worst that can happen? he either doesn't respond or responds telling you that he has a gf. Go for it!

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Go for it! You've got nothing to lose and possibly a guy to gain!

Please keep us posted, i''d love to know how things turn out for you.


Just remember even if he isnt interested it dont matter to much as he doesnt know who you are and he isnt turning you down to your face!

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This is a no-brainer. Call him! He'll probably be flattered. Maybe he is in a relationship or gay or just not interested in you, but trust me, very few men are offended when a woman expresses interest in them.


Be careful - not everybody on CL is a nice guy. Most dog people are great, but a few are not.


Finally, it's fine that you don't have a dog. At least you aren't using your dog to BS the guy. You don't need an excuse to be attracted to someone...just be honest!

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bump...cant wait to see what happens!


Ok I just did it. I didn't write to him before because he lives on the other side of town and I thought, even if he did reply I don't think I'll be able to go that far just to jog with him lol. But I thought what the heck, and Ijust wrote him a message. I said something like, "Hey do you only run with dogs? I saw your profile and I couldn't resist since I'm looking for a jogging partner. I'm embarrassed to post this but I thought it wouldn't hurt to try heheh." I know it wasn't well written and it'll probably scare him off but he doesn't know me so no big deal if he doesn't reply. =)

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