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can sperm pass through clothes?


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my gf and i had been dry humping on quite a few occasions, both of us would really get intense and i will cum alot, but with the 4 layers of clothes still on, both our underwear and pants..


she already missed her period for about 2-3weeks? and she doesn't seem to realise anything yet as she claims she usually has irregular periods


i've been getting very stressed out about this and it has been causing me a lot of problems (e.g getting frustrated very easily), and i don't really know how to bring it up to her that she might be pregnant.


so i would greatly appreciate if the people here would give me some advice..



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Ok, chill out. You haven't got her pregnant ok!


You could have been wearing a fig leaf or paper underwear, unless your penis was in her vagina, or your naked penis ejaculated over her naked genitals, then there is no way she can get pregant.


Girls have irregular periods! Hell, I'm 26 and mine are still all over the place.

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Unless your sperm carry drills, pick-axes and lasers to get through denim, there is no way you can get your gf pregnant if you still both have your pants on.


She has irregular periods, don't stress.


LOL. I can see Dreamworks Animation making an animated horror movie...evil sperm carrying a drill chasing after the pink denim who is running away screaming...cue Friday the 13th type soundtrack.

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even if the "wetness" has passed onto the other clothing piece?


You said that there were 4 layers of clothes- so even if it got on her clothes- it can't make her pregnant.


See this website: link removed


It sounds like things are getting intense. If you 2 are going to take things further- you need to start talking about birth control options.

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If your ejaculate ended up near her vagina, it is UNLIKELY but not impossible. Cloth is a porous material, so in theory sperm could make its way through it. Think about it - they don't make condoms out of cloth for a reason.

However, the odds are pretty low with 4 layers of clothing. To ease your mind, you may want to talk to her about birth control and see if she is willing to start on a method like the pill, the patch, or the ring. That way you two will be protected no matter what.

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  • 3 weeks later...
Unless your sperm carry drills, pick-axes and lasers to get through denim, there is no way you can get your gf pregnant if you still both have your pants on.


She has irregular periods, don't stress.



Hahahaha I laughed to tears..

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