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What book are you currently reading?


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Stephen King's The Stand. I'm reading the unabridged version, though I wonder if I'd like the shorter version better. The main thing that bothers me about current King that his older works don't struggle with is basically losing the plot amid pages and pages of non-essential story.


Still good, though. I'm thinking of reading his Dark Tower series eventually.

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Are you kidding? I thought Twain was beyond successful with his use of dialect in that book. I found it to be an excellent book!



I'm currently reading The Way of Kings by Brandon Sanderson. Love it.


Hello again Firiel! (if you still follow this thread and it seems like you still do)


I've just re-read Huck Finn, from cover to cover this time, and I must say it was much more enjoyable the second time round lol. Good book indeed.

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Stephen King's The Stand. I'm reading the unabridged version, though I wonder if I'd like the shorter version better. The main thing that bothers me about current King that his older works don't struggle with is basically losing the plot amid pages and pages of non-essential story.


Still good, though. I'm thinking of reading his Dark Tower series eventually.


@firiel - love your profile pic! hahaha


reading Drunkard - a memoir about an alcoholic going through the process of AA

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Hello again Firiel! (if you still follow this thread and it seems like you still do)


I've just re-read Huck Finn, from cover to cover this time, and I must say it was much more enjoyable the second time round lol. Good book indeed.


Yay! Some books just take a couple of tries.

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I have too many books going. I would really like to finish a few!


Conscious Dreaming by Robert Moss

Spirited by Rebecca Rosen

The Story of Stuff (The Impact of Overconsumption on the Planet, Our Communities, and Our Health - And How We Can Make it Better) by Annie Leonard

True Love, A practice for Awakening the Heart by Thich Nhat Hanh

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I plan to start George R.R. Martin's A Game of Thrones tomorrow... yay!


Good choice. Fair warning though the first book (although it's very very very very good) is the slowest paced of the series, so if at any point you feel like you don't enjoy it I recommend you push on, because the series get's exponentially better as it builds on itself.

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Good choice. Fair warning though the first book (although it's very very very very good) is the slowest paced of the series, so if at any point you feel like you don't enjoy it I recommend you push on, because the series get's exponentially better as it builds on itself.


This is actually going to be my second try at this book... when I tried it before that's exactly what happened. I didn't purposefully give up. I just got distracted by life and the book wasn't quite enough to keep me hooked. I'm prepared this time, though, because I've heard awesome things about the series. It will help that I'm not currently in school. Nothing kills the desire for pleasure reading than piles of assigned reading.

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This is actually going to be my second try at this book... when I tried it before that's exactly what happened. I didn't purposefully give up. I just got distracted by life and the book wasn't quite enough to keep me hooked. I'm prepared this time, though, because I've heard awesome things about the series. It will help that I'm not currently in school. Nothing kills the desire for pleasure reading than piles of assigned reading.


It took me two tries the first time as well but now I've read the whole series through a couple times. I definitely didn't have the impression the first time that it was going to be my favorite book but now it's easily my favorite and I'm not just a fantasy fan. I really like stereotypical literature too (Anna Karenina, Crime and Punishment, Lolita) but I think song of ice and fire tops them all

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Just finished reading the "Josephine Bonaparte" trilogy by Sandra Gulland. It's an incredible read set in the style of a journal.


The part that got to me was the description of the mass grave outside of Paris containing the headless bodies of those that had been guillotined during the Reign of Terror, including those of Louis XVI and Marie Antoinette.

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A Game of Thrones. I put it down after a particular scene that made me really mad, but my hubby encouraged me to pick it up again (he's on book 4). Now I can't seem to put it down!


I just finished it! I'm going to read book two after I finish my current book. What scene made you really mad?

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"Dead Reckoning", last in the Sookie Stackhouse series.


Yep, I finished it a couple of days ago. It was a complete let down! What the heck, it's like she wrote it in a couple of weeks and didn't even check to see if the plot meshed with her previous books or if it was filled with continuity errors!

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