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I just met him and I might be pregnant..


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I met this guy about a month ago and on the first date we had sex. Most women probably say they never do this, but I am not going to lie, i've done it before, but it's been so long that I didn't even think anything of it.


Not only that but I felt that we hit it off big time on our first date and I knew that he could be someone I want to have a relationship with, the chemistry was just there big time.


To make a long story short I feel that he is moving slow with the emotional side of it and I don't even trust this guy. I like to go out and do things and he likes to call pretty much only when he wants me to come over for sex. I approached the situation and told him that I wanted more than just sex and he said him too and that he just wants to take things slow and catch up in other areas.


Now I have pulled back the sex part, especially because a couple times he pulled the condom off during it and I know how stupid I was to allow it to go on knowing.. the first time, the second time I didn't care because I was like "we already did it once, maybe he'll pull out.. and I told him to, but he didn't"


Now I've been having vaginal irritation which the doctor said was a yeast infection and gave me medication for it.. I took a pregnancy test last week and it came up negative for two weeks before, but the last time we had unprotected sex was on the 4th and I was supposed to get my period yesterday but missed it.


At first I thought, I can't be pregnant because I am having pms sypmtoms, you know the heavy and swolen breasts, bloating, attitude and sensitiving emotions.. but the OBGYN told me that pregnancy symptoms mimic PMS Symptoms.. I don't have nausea or anything like that..


I told him when I saw him last week all the stuff that is going on.. he said that we will cross the bridge if it comes, but I am still worried because I don't know how all of this is going to come out and what to do.


I am very pro-life, but at the same time this will cause difficulty.. I don't want to jump the gun when I don't know for sure, but I just need some advise or someone to vent to, so here I am..


Thanks for listening and any feedback is welcomed.

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I'm not gonna go into my teens and sex (if you are a teen) speech again, but if you are definitely pregnant, then you have to accept the consequences of your actions and if he sticks around then good for him, but if he doesn't stick around then you'll have to raise a baby on your own, (with hte exception of your parents, if you still live with them).



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Nope.. I am not a teen, I am a 24 year old young woman and I'm not exactly secure, but I am responsible enough to take care of another human being and be ready for the responsibilities that come with it.


I was reading the other posts and one person stated that if you are sick or stressed it can make you miss your period, is this true?


What about if a woman has a yeast infection and be sick.. that is me, I have that and a cold..


The interesting thing is that before when I would be around other women that had their periods it would make mine come sooner and i've had my pms symptoms for about 3 weeks now so i'd think that i'd have gotten it by now if not before the 18th, like it came last month.


So when it didn't come yesterday or today I was a bit worried and still am, but I'm just going day by day right now.. my doctor wants to see me again next week, but I am just wondering if I should go to the store and buy a test today or this weekend because I have anxiety and i'm starting to make myself nautious.. I really want to know.

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What I know about women's period, a day or two change in timing is not that big a deal. As you get older, they can vary more and more. In some people it's more marked than others. It changes over time.


In fact, my wife's periods got so out of hand she went on the pill to put them back on a schedule.


They can be missed entirely, or appear much closer than normal on occasions. Only thing you can really do right now is wait I suspect, at least for a couple of days.


Nausea with pregnancy is very common, but does not always occur.


I wouldn't be surprised to learn about the infection medication causing minor changes in either your cycle, or chemical balance, which would affect a pregnancy test.

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Ash, thank you for your feedback.. your right, I remember a time when I was a teenager when my periods were always late or I would miss them for a month or two, but for the past few years they've been pretty regular.. now I go a few months on the same day..


Like earlier this year I was expected to get my period around the 20th, and that was on the same day for a few months.. then it came one month on the 25th and that stayed for a few months.. recently it came on the 15th because i spent a lot of time w/ my best friend who was getting hers on the 15th and then last month I got mine on the 18th b/c my mom got hers on that date..


This month my mom got hers on the 12th and I was with her almost every day and I expected to get mine sometime since she was on hers and i was pms'n.. but nope nothing.. so then I said well it'll come on the 18th like last month.. so now its' the 19th..


We will see.

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Home pregnancy tests are extremely accurate if they are a positive result. Like 99%. If they are negative sometimes they aren't as accurate. I am not sure of the exact number, but I think its around 92%-93%. Some women just produce very low hormone levels so the test doesn't pick it up.


However, wait a week or so. If you still don't get your period then test again. But I'll bet its just been thrown off from illness and stress.

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Ok.. hey thanks again everyone..


It can be stressful.. especially because i've always wanted to be married and with someone who loved me before I got pregnant..


I will wait another week or so to see if I get it.. I swear, I am having little cramps today, maybe i'll get it tonight or tomorrow..


I'll keep yall updated.

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Now 5 days late, second day with the flu, second week yeast infection.. last week I took a 99cent test that came out positive and today I took an EPT that came out negative.


Just an update.. I wonder what's up with my body, if I don't get my period by January I am going to head to the doctors.

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I'd put more credence in the EPT than the other test - 5 days isn't much, though I can understand you'd be worried. If you hit the week and a half mark and can't get an appt that quickly, try another EPT or clearblue easy, one of brand name ones, which are usually more reliable; by then they SHOULD show a positive if you're pregnant.

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New Year.. New Baby.


I found out today that I am 4 weeks pregnant, conceived on the 3rd like I thought and expected due date on 8-25-04..










I am going to keep it. I haven't told him the news yet because he is on vacation in New York, but he wanted me to call him with the news and I just left him a message a little while ago.


Thank all of your for the continued support!



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I just got an e-mail from his ex-wife who lives in NYC where he is visiting.. and guess what.


He has herpes and chlamidia, he has been having sex w/ her all week telling her he wants to be back with her and have a baby with her again. She already has a 6 year old.


He has been having sex with several other women in San Diego and group sex.


I am very scared.

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Oh my. Thats not good at all. Well get over to the doctor pronto and give them this information. Then will test you and will also note to test the baby when the time is right. It is important to get this taken care of as soon as humanly possible.


Now regarding this guy, well it sure doesn't sound like he's going to be around for the long haul. I'd discuss this with him and see what the story is, but don't worry he WILL be supporting the baby and you financially. The child support enforcement office will make sure of that. Whether is around for emotional support for you is another matter. But lets take things one step at a time.


We will be here for you throughout this process to help you with things. I understand you are scared. But you aren't alone! Ok?



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Millaj, first of all let me say congrats, since it sounds as if you're happy about this baby. Secondly, what jumped out at me first and foremost in regards to his ex contacting you is "What kind of BS is this?" I mean, come on-he has not ONLY herpes, but chlamydia as well, has slept with "several other women", yet she's announcing he wants to have another child with her and she's apparently amenable to it? My first instinct was "She's lying to drive you off/scare you away from him." Maybe that's just my witchy female side, but that was the first thing that occurred to me. Any ex of mine who approached ME with news of several diseases and promiscuity would be told to take a hike PRONTO, I wouldn't be sitting down and discussing additions to the family, not to mention jumping into bed with him again!


Hon, I'd relax a bit in regards to health issues. Granted, it doesn't sound like he's going to be the figure of support you were looking for with this child, except for financial responsibility-but I also don't think a word of what that woman said was true. Why would she sleep with him if it was? Is she that foolish? I'd hope not.


Take care of yourself and this baby, and put him on the back burner. Go to the doctor and have yourself checked out. This baby is your first priority, and will give you the love you're not currently getting from him. Take care of yourself and him/her, and worry about the rest of it in due time. And, as always, we're here to listen any time you need it!



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