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So, if the stars (aka our schedules) align, I'm going to be hanging out with a guy I met online this weekend. We've met once, hung out and chatted for about an hour... it was a lot of fun, and he seemed really cool.


We continued e-mailing back and forth and I asked him if he wanted to hang out again this weekend... he said yes, and then asked me what I wanted to do, expressing interesting in doing something outside.


I tend to be entirely uncreative, so I'm thinking mini-golf... yes? No? Any better ideas that are outside and low-key?

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DAMMIT! People are aware of the most underused and romantic dates ever...


Mini-golf...guranteed fun and you get to see how his manners are...and what he thinks about kids...


No downside unless one of you gets a hole in one on the last hole and gets a free game...which will require a future mini-golf date.



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It ended up not working out time wise. There's a good chance we'll hang out again, but probably only as friends... when we first hung out, I left thinking that he was a nice guy, but I wasn't sure if we clicked romantically (which is why I wanted to do something casual like mini-golf when we hung out again). We talked a bit on IM when our schedules decided to hate each other, and it turns out he felt the same way which was cool by me... takes any potential pressure off.

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that's cool, nothing wrong with just hanging out as friends. i know a couple who met, didn't hit it off, but since they had a lot in common, they kept hanging out, and eventually they fell in love and married. not everyone has sparks on the first date.


good luck!

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two things i'm terrible at...bowling and mini golf. i took my last date bowling and will be taking my next date mini golfing on saturday.


i think something like that makes a first date easier. If you do dinner, you have to sit accross from each other and stare at each other eating...people get self conscious about that. with something like a movie, you don't get the chance to talk.

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