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Ok...need some advice cause I am confused!!!

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Hi... I need some advice on this:

Hi I have been dating a guy since September. However we have been penpals since March ( he was in Iraq) during that time I had a baby and my life has been upside down just as his is too. We were getting along great and everything was perfect.. there was passion,,,, no sex but passion but he felt we were moving too fast. The last month things have fizzled. He tells me he has a profile on link removed but he wants to see how things go with us but he doesn't want to close off any other possibilities. Well, one day I get really annoyed (a little too emotional) and I basically told him that if he was no longer interested to tell me. He replied that he had wanted to see how things go but now thinks that we can be friends because he doesn't see a romantic future. I think he is wrong (my intuition tells me) because we are exactly the same. too many things in common. I think after 9 months, there is something and that are stress levels are too high and we should have waited. I want to win his interest back and apologize but I don't know what to say or do. He thinks I had people emailing hin (which I didn't I am not that immature) I have never felt like this over anybody (I am 26) but my gut instincts tell me no to let him go... what does he mean by friends?

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it's the typical nice way of saying it's over


for whatever reasons, and you having a baby is definitely one of them, he wants out.


i suggest that for now, concentrate on loving your baby. it's the one who needs you most now. if someone comes along in a couple of years, and is ready for a kid too, who knows?

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