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mutual friendship


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Most of my friends haven't been the type who hang out with tons and tons of people. I recently made a friend who is very popular. She told me that lots of people view her as a best friend but that she doesn't have any best friends. This makes me think that she is going to get sick of me or something.


Plus, yesterday her phone shut down but she didn't call me back.


In my past I've had excellent friends that I became very close to, but it was also a mutual thing- we both respected, loved and enjoyed each other's company enough to call ourselves best friends.


I'm really afraid that she is going to be bored with me over time.


Am I just being silly or should I talk to her about it? I really enjoy her friendship and I don't want to lose it...she makes me happy.

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Having a lot of friends doesn't mean she is close to any of them. I would trust her on her word that they are more like acquaintences than close friendships.

I think the term "friend " is used very loosely. I think a lots of people call themselves friends, but in reality everyone really only has a handful of true friends.

So, why couldn't you be one of those ? I wouldn't worry about her being bored with you.

Just be the best friend you can and let her know you know how much you really care.

A person is not likely to toss any a friend who truly cares about them.

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