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I met this guy through some friends a few weeks ago. Last night he asked if he could take me to dinner tomorrow and I accepted.


The thing is that the restaurant that he said we are going to is really expensive, it looks like it will easily be $150-200 for dinner and drinks. I haven't been on an actual date like this in a long time (I just broke up with my ex-bf of almost 2 years a month ago).


Does that seem like an extravagant amount to spend on a first date?

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If he makes $20kyr... yes... if he makes $60k- up... No.. He prob likes you and wants to make an impresion on you.. not a big deal.. even an avarge date can cost $100up.. with dinner,drinks, movie, or whatever...


exactly...obviously he can afford it or he wouldn't be taking you there...it's all relevent...

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Good point allie! It's just odd to me.


He's a bartender, I know that they can make good money but I have been in the bar he works at and it's never that busy. I was in there for the NCAA game last night and it was only half full.


I just find it odd. My last bf made over 100k a year and we never went on dates that expensive. We did a bunch of other things that weren't exactly cheap but it seems crazy to spend that much on dinner.

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Maybe give him a few options... perhaps 3 restaurants that you like and see what he says. If he makes that little money, then it seems clear to me he is trying to make an impression. Or a date I've always thought was fun and cheap, make dinner together. That way you can see his skills in the kitchen too, lol.


On the other hand, I agree with the others in that he chose the restaurant. Personally, I rarely go out to restaurants, so when I do it's gonna be a good one and 1-200 is no big deal. Heck, I went to Outback the other night with 2 other people and it was 75 bucks with tip and no drinks. I wouldn't consider that a great restaurant.



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Maybe he just wants to try the restaurant and if it's a date place he can't just take a friend. There's a concert I really want to go to that my friend wants to go to - I know she can't afford it so I am treating her for her birthday so that we can both go. It might be like that.


I would order something that matches what he does as far as price - try to see what he is looking at ordering and don't order more courses than he does. and, offer to share dessert.

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Good point allie! It's just odd to me.


He's a bartender, I know that they can make good money but I have been in the bar he works at and it's never that busy. I was in there for the NCAA game last night and it was only half full.


I just find it odd. My last bf made over 100k a year and we never went on dates that expensive. We did a bunch of other things that weren't exactly cheap but it seems crazy to spend that much on dinner.


i agree. those types of dates are for guys really trying to impress. i would spend $150 on dinner if it was like an anniversary or something.

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He called me the day of our date and left a massage asking if I wanted to go to dinner or do something that night... and I thought we already had plans. I was at work and didn't have a chance to take a break so I text him back saying that dinner sounded great. He changed what restaurant he wanted to go to so I met him after I got off work at the restaurant. I was sitting by the front door because I didn't see him anywhere, I waited for 20 minutes until he finally text me that he was upstairs at a table (a little odd don't you think?) Apparently he had worked at this restaurant last summer so the entire time he was talking to all of the staff that walked by. There were several times that I was in the middle of saying something and he turned his attention to whoever walked up.


I was really irritated after about an hour and I had some work that I needed to get done (but that I could have easily put off until the next day) so I told him I needed to head back to work to finish a project.


The next night he showed up at the bar that I normally hang out at, but he never came up to me so I ignored the fact that he was there. After about an hour he walked by and got mad that I hadn't noticed him. I talked to him for a little while but he didn't have much to say. Some of my other friends came in so I excused myself to go say hi. One of the guys who walked in had just heard my bad news (didn't get into grad school) so he picked me up and spun me around, the guy I had went out with the night before got jealous or mad and left for no reason, he knew the guy who did this and knew that his gf was standing right there.


Needless to say I haven't talked to him since.

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He called me the day of our date and left a massage asking if I wanted to go to dinner or do something that night... and I thought we already had plans. .


That is very odd....he had already said where you were going The whole date and aftermath sounds like a bit of fiasco. And then to get mad at you the next night because someone hugged you, after he had initially ignored you? What a fool. Ugh.

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