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all girls please help fast!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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i gots me a little girl trouble! OK thers this really poular girl right? and she was in all different classes than me and i switched 3 classes and each of them i just happen to be in there and she does too. ok well she has been going out with a dude and then when she broke up with him and then before i could ask she went out with another dude and she just broke up with him about two days ago after (9 weeks of love pain). but now all of our small talk and favors and stuff like that have added up and before i knew it i was her "friend" and even though her little dude inside is so ultimately awsome and her body isjust UUUUNNGH(in a good way) if she rejects me now it would be too weird and i don't think i can handle a bad loss like that and this has happened before and i told her the wrong way and she never looked at me again. PLEASE HELLLLLLLLP!!!!!!!!!!.............PLEASE!!!!!!!!!!!

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If the only interest she has shown you has been to be her friend and that she doesn't want anything romantic with you...then you should keep it that way. If you have already tried to approach her and she declined, then I would just stay her friend and be pleased with that. It is in her park now and if she wants to be more than friends with you then she will let you know by either telling you or with her body language. If you really cherish the friendship you have with her, I definitely would suggest keeping it that way...

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